Monday, November 30, 2009

Hot Tea Weather

If you love cold weather your gonna like what's coming down the pike...cause it is gonna feel like winter is gearing up and traveling this way.

The frost finally frizzed out my garden and is frizzing me, too. Tomorrow it will warm up slightly and then shiver, shiver, chatter, chatter.

I have been looking at all the sale ads and noticed a lot of stuff on sale are a lot of expensive electronic games, toys and gizmos, many of which are outdated, esp. a lot of the digital cameras. People will go into debt to buy all theses appliances, and electronics, thinking that they are "hot of the shelf." Like they were made yesterday. They weren't. There is a lot of last year's stock out there that the stores want to get out of inventory...sell to thee and me. Too, too commercial.

Sure, the economy is very important...esp. to the Chinese, for we are their very best customers...and biggest debtors. "I OWE MY SOUL TO THE COMPANY STORE." Don't you just hate owing your soul? You can not buy American goods and support the American worker or economy. Everything you buy for Christmas this year will be made overseas, somewhere. Just check the labels...duh.

There is a lot of rumors and rumblings on the Internet about the American currency being replaced in Feb. I don't see how that will get this country out of debt and back on ts feet, do you? Paper is paper unless it is backed by the gold or silver standard. There is the "Amero" waiting for the right time and already printed and ready to replace your George Washington. It has been ready for several years, just bidding time for a monetary failure. Will it come about? Maybe, I hope not for I have an affinity for old George. The more Georges in my pocket, the better I like his "Irish Pigmentation." Nope, I am not color prejudice...I like green just fine.

Save your silver, copper pennies and change. Rainy (or snowy) days may be upon us. If not, and you have saved your money, you are ahead of the game, any game. Buy food, canned goods and all things needed to weather the weather. Spring is a good five months off into the future and the future is now.

I don't have a lot of personal items of interest. I have stayed in most of the week because I don't like cold, dampness. I do have to get out and buy a few things for the people over in the nursing home, but otherwise I don't really need to shop. Most of what I buy for the residents will come from the Dollar Tree Store.


Saturday, November 28, 2009

All about nothing

The sun is shining and the sky is clear. The temperature is about 68 degrees: just perfect. I could almost plant a garden...or think about one.

My front porch still a bunch of furniture on it, blocking the window and my view. The furniture was giving to me, but I can not move it. It is large and heavy. I tried to move it, but was only able to leave my fingerprints in the dust. The stuff has been out there for five weeks now....people slow down and stare at it as they drive by.

I had some things in mind to do, but got nothing done. I just watched some TV, ate leftovers and read blogs. I did finish a load of cloths and have another load to drop in.

Tuesday, Dec.1, will be the 1 yr. anniversary of flying through the air and badly fracturing my elbow. After a year I still have limited use of it and it still hurts, especially at night or before bad weather. It is what it is, so I am getting used to it.

This past week was for spending money on essential, such as renewal of plates for the van and taxes on it. Before December is over I will have to pay on State Farm. The really good thing is that my electric bill was only $28.00 and the gas bill was $33.22. The total bill was $86.32 with the recycling, sanitation, water, sewer, and school tax added in. I have no complaints there.

If I come out of my lazy streak and button up the house a bit more, watch less TV and in general, watch my conspicuous consumption, I hope to keep my bill close to this level. I know colder weather is coming, so this is not "written on ice."

I put a few canned goods away from the sales. My friend said I could live in my van if I had a can opener. I really do not have a lot of storage space inside so lots of canned food stays outside in the van...good ol' van. Need to get it all inside before a real hard frost hits and the cans pop...yips!


Friday, November 27, 2009

The Day after

It's all over. It was good. I am happily eating leftovers. I put two loaves of Pumpkin Bread and one Cornish Hen into the freezer for a later date.
'Though the weather man called for snow flurries, the flurries failed to fly. But not to fear, they are calling for snow/flurries again for Monday. In the meantime the wind got windy and cool got colder. Brrr...doncha know. The floor was cool, but not bad.
The coming week is supposed to improve after Monday. It should be about "normal" for a short time.
Anyway, this is going to be a short post as it has been a quiet day and I for one, do not EVER get caught up in this Black Friday mania.
Maybe I will come up with something profound tomorrow.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


No, it isn't fancy, but it sure was good. The Cornish Hens look really small in the roasting pan, but they cooked well, moist and tasty. The dressing was superb, in my estimation. Yum.
It may not look like a lot, but there were will be leftovers for me to enjoy.
There is a lot on my plate and I hope everyone had plates equally full.
The Pumpkin Bread turned out OK, but would have been better if I had found the Walnuts. I have not complaints. I wrapped two to put into the freezer to have for Christmas.
I am a big fan of tradition and family history. Tradition is the glue that holds the liberty and freedoms of this country together.
I have two Cornish Hens in the freezer which I will cook for Christmas, which will be here before you know it. Ready, set, eat....ummm, good.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Pumpkin Bread

I hope my plate looks something like this, with lots of left overs.

The Pumpkin Bread is in the oven. I like it better than Pumpkin Pie in some ways. For one thing it will last longer. I don't know how it will turn out as I thought I had Walnuts, but couldn't them. Instead of using 2/3 cups of water I use 2/3 cups of Ginger Ale. As I couldn't find the nuts I used a whole box of raisins. Results pending...LOA.

I guess I can go ahead and prepare the dressing. It really isn't that hard to do. The rice is cooked and ready to add to the bread crumbs. All things Pending.

I did run out to the $1.00 dollar store to get some crackers. I take my medicine with crackers/food. I also stopped at the Pharmacy to pick up my B/P med. I could have got some walnuts while I was out, but I really thought I had some...nuts, anyway.

I may not make the effort to post anything tomorrow. Its a holiday. No one reads this, so no one will miss it.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tom-Cookery coming up

I have not been out shopping.
I have not been out to eat.
I did not get more books from the library.
I cooked a big pot of rice because I happen to like rice.
I did not need anything from the stores or groceries.
I didn't get any fresh reading materials from the library because if I have books to read I get nothing done.
I stayed close to home so I suppose I saved money and that is always a good deal. There is no deal like a saving deal.
I am trying to use up and empty out the refrigerator. Making room for Thanksgiving leftovers and stuff.
The Golden Corral is open on Thanksgiving day and I did consider going out to eat. If I did that I wouldn't have all the good holiday leftovers...left over. So I stayed in. Besides, it is raining.
The weather caster-man-map, says we could have snow flurries on Thursday. Remember, I have predicted snow on Nov. 30 and it is back in the postings somewhere.
My Cornish Hens are thawed out and ready for the big day. I have my Sweet Potatoes from the garden, cranberry sauce from one of the sales, stuffing to fix and lots of goodies to gobble, gobble.
Tomorrow I do have to go pick up my blood pressure medicine and put the new sticker on my license plate.
Last night I tried out the new blog editor. It either doesn't have or I just could not find the spell checker...and I do need a spell checker. I went back to this editor.
Glen Beck covered some of my thoughts for the past few days, just more eloquently and well detailed. Do you think he is reading my blog? Nah, no one reads my blog...LOL's!

Monday, November 23, 2009



Your duly elected Cogress, Senate, State and local governments are fedding off the middle class, the little fish in the sea.

Freedom of speech is an illusion. 
Freedom of religion a dying deity.
Freedom to assemble has been disassembaled.
The right to bear arms exixts
only if the shark does not bite your arm off.

The government of the USA no longer represents the people of this country.  Our government is owned by the military complex that thrives on wars.  The majority does not rule.  The minority does.  Special interest and lobbyist are in control.  Religion and common sense have been hyjacked in America.

Do you feel it?  Can you feel where your arms and legs have been torn, shreded and ripped away?  I see the Life Blood of Democracy leaking into the global pool of global government.

After the two world wars we rebuilt Europe.  After Korea and Viet Nam we  have rebuilt parts of Asia.  They really don't want us there meddleing in their affairs.  Why are we still in 120 different coutries as a milatary presense while we are not protecting our own boarders? 

Questions, lots of questions.  They will not be answered.  Not to us, the lower, upper lower and middle class citizens of a country run by the wealthy, the currupt and the scheming.

Plant your gardens deep, hide your weapons well, be like the ant and store up for the coming dirg while the grasshopper plays his fiddle.  Speak not of your preperations for the coming days of woe.  Someone, anyone, the government or the the people plague will decend upon you as the locust fo Biblical Times did in Egyept.

Say someting: make a comment.


Saturday, November 21, 2009






George and Abe are turning over in their graves while Congress and the Senate steal our freedoms with impunity.

I hear their old bones rattling in disbelief as American freedoms and liberties are being eroded by a flood of unwanted bills, laws and outright corruption on the River Teams. (Potomac runs through Washington)

Yes, that is what I said. The "River Team" is awash with all the debris, sewage and self-serving politicians safe on the Island of Washington.

Politicians' don't have to worry...yet. They have all the perks and revenues the law allows, and then some. We, the peons', should be only half so lucky. It is protectiveim and cronyism in the worst form, by a government sworn to uphold and protect the constitution and the people. Yeah, right. My guess is that when things get tough for the governmental toadies, the toadies will hop right out their bog, slog, swampland of budgeting ineptness.

Well, all bad things come to a halt. As elections come around: HALT! I am surprised that the truckers have not blockaded Washington. I am surprised that farmers have not stopped sending produce to market. I am surprised that the common worker hasn't rebelled against thieving unions. I am even more surprised that Americans keep sending career politicians back to the Senate and Congress. What's the matter with you people, anyway?

I can not really blame Obama for the mess we are in. He is a well groomed patsy, a fall guy. I think he thinks he is actually doing a good job. I think there is someone other than the President pulling the strings, his strings.

Obama has never been a soldier. He doesn't know how to throw everything in the arsenal at the enemy. He is a weak leader because he never led. When he was an "organizer" for Acorn he was a clerk, being told what to do, how when and where. Even so, I think he is basically a good man with good intentions. But I think that more times than not you have to be a SOB to get the job done. I don't think he can be the SOB we need as a world leader in these times. He, like everyone wants to be well liked, received, even revered by the masses. Even Jesus couldn't pull that off.

Everyone is familiar with the TEN COMMANDMENTS, even a host of non-believers and enemies of America. Did you know there were actually three more Commandments? Uh Huh, there are.

  1. Thou shall not betray thine country.
  2. Thou shall honor and hold sacred THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
  3. Thou shall honor and support thine military troops at home and abroad, in peacetime and in war
So, Good news America. Your swimming with the sharks.


Friday, November 20, 2009


I love Golden Delicious apples. I had planted a tree some years ago and the tree was full of Golden Delicious apples. A really bad storm came up and blew it over and now I have to buy them. It was a beautiful tree and I was sad to see it go.
I stayed up too late last night to finish my book and now I am very tired, so I won't write much tonight.
I had a craving for something good or different. I cooked some turnips and a couple small stakes with onions. I demolished the stakes, but have a couple big turnips left over. Tomorrow I think I will cook some rice in the pressure cooker.
I have some paperback books to start, but I think I will hold off on reading them for a bit. I need to get some things done around the house.
Because I am tired I will just post this ad go to bed early. Anything before 12 to 1 A. M. is early to me. So I am off. It is 9:45 P. M. and I have a couple things to do before I retire....wait a minute...I am retired...hmmm

Thursday, November 19, 2009

More Cooking stuff

Found: hiding in the dirt and weeds in the chicken run. When the chickens were in residence I would toss bad tomatoes in for the chickens peck on and to enjoy. Some reseeded and grew very large, producing in spite of a few frosty nights. I picked this one yesterday along with a few small, green tomatoes, which will ripen eventually.

Wal-Mart is, of course, having sales. I found real butter for $1.50 per box and Cream Cheese for $1.18. However, just below the sale of Cream Cheese, the no-name or store brand Cream Cheese was selling for $00.98 cents, a 20 cent difference. So, look carefully, below and above eye level.

A few Cooking terms for anyone that needs definitions for cooking vernacular. Not too many, I promise.
  • Baste: To moisten foods during cooking with pan drippings or special sauce in order to add flavor and prevent drying.
  • Bisque: A thick cream soup.
  • Blanch: To immerse in rapidly boiling water and allow to cook slightly.
  • Crimp: To seal to sealing the edges of a two crust pie either by pinching them at intervals with either the fingers or by pressing them together with the tines of a fork.
  • Cream: To soften a fat, especially butter, by beating it at room temperature. Butter and sugar are often creamed together, making a smooth, soft past.
  • Crudites: An assortment of raw vegetables, such as carrots,broccoli, celery, mushrooms: served as hors d'euvers, often accompanied with a dip.
  • Degrease: To remove fat from the surface of stews, soups or stock Usually cooled in the refrigerator so that the fat hardens and is easily removed.
  • Dredge: To coat lightly with flour, cornmeal, etc.
  • Entree: The main course.
  • Fold: To incorporate a delicate substance such as whipping cream or beaten egg whites, into another substance substance without releasing air bubbles. A spatula is used to gently bring parts of the mixture from the bottom of the bowl to the top. The process is repeated while slowly rotating the bowl, until the ingredients are thoroughly blended.
  • Glaze: To cover as a glossy coating, such as a melted and somewhat diluted jelly for fruit deserts.

The sun has been trying to slide out from behind the clouds and play peekaboo with the creatures of the Earth(us). Gas has come down about seven cents. I am reading a strange, but good book: THE TIME TRAVELER'S WIFE. In theory I don't think you can meet yourself coming and going or be in two places at once, but it makes a very good novel.


Wednesday, November 18, 2009


I have been to a Sale at Walgreens. The sales tape says I saved $17.80. I would have saved $29. 41 if I had just stayed home where it is warm and dry. Had I stayed home I would not have 24 rolls of bath tissue, 5 boxes of Gelatin for a buck, 2 cans of coffee for 5 dollars and a few other items. It was really the bathroom tissue that I was after and the 2 large packages of 12 each should unroll through the winter. I needed milk and got that, too. So...I am ready for just about anything. It would be just my luck that "anything" would come to call as it did last year on Dec.1 when I flew through the air with the greatest of ease...and landed on my elbow. That was a dang, dang day.
My health insurance agent was here today to sign me up for next year's health supplement. We got to discussing the increased crime and 2 murders and a robbery that resulted in an other death later, at a gas station near here. He knows, as we all do, that crime and violence is up because of the economy. He has a 9mm pistol and so does his wife. He said there is a lot of crime right on his street and that 5 cops live right on his street. He said it is "everywhere" and it is.
To get into my house a bad actor would have to go have to get through a locked outer door, a locked storm door and a locked and chained inner door. Should someone have the bad luck of getting through the all doors, front and back, I would be aware of their efforts and be waiting for them. I would give them a few "ouchies."
I put a little bit of $$ in the Salvation Kettle this year. There are people in need and I wish I could give more. I feel if I can buy a burger and a frosty I can put a little $$ in the pot.
I hope that tomorrow I will be able to post a better blog, but I have had a few appointments to get to this week. I have some things to do tomorrow, but at least it is here in town. I want to put up some more cooking odds 'n ends. Most everyone in my family can cook, but it might benefit someone. Stay dry. Avoid sailing, but enjoy sale-ing. P. S. Beverly, I got your e-mail.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


A reminder of days long ago and almost forgotten, but not
quite. I can still remember Mom cleaning the kerosene glass lamp chimneys and her trimming the wicks so they wouldn't smoke. I remember her cooking and canning on an old wood stove in the heat of high summer. To this day I wish I had a "Hoosier Cabinet" with the built in flour bin, tin lined bread drawer and pull out work self. It was a compact, sturdy utility piece of kitchen furniture. It was a part of my childhood to see Mom rolling out dough for bread or cookies on that pull out shelf. There was storage above the cabinet and storage below. I wish furniture makers could make them today. I would buy one

I have a few cooking tips for you, whether you like it or not. Here goes.

  1. When cooking cabbage, place a small tin cup or can half full of vinegar on the stove near the cabbage. It will absorb the odor.

  2. Potatoes soaked in salt water for 20 minutes before baking will bake more rapidly.

  3. Let raw potatoes stand in cold water for at least a half an hour before frying to improve the crispiness of French-fried potatoes. Dry potatoes thoroughly before adding to fat/oil.

  4. A few drops of lemon juice in the water will whiten boiled potatoes.

  5. Do not use metal bowels when mixing salads. Use wood, glass or china.

  6. Buy mushrooms before they open. When stems and caps are firmly attached, mushroom are fresh.

  7. To keep cauliflower white while cooking, add a little milk to the water.

  8. To ripen tomatoes, put them in a brown paper bag in a dark pantry and they will ripen.

  9. A roast with a bone in it will cook faster than a boneless roast. The bone carries the heat to the inside of the roast more quickly.

  10. After stewing a chicken, cool in broth before cutting into chunks. It will have twice the flavor.

I'll bet you knew all these tips already...right?

I had my appointment with the eye specialist today. No more bleeding in the back of the left eye. It is stable and so is the pressure. I go back next November. I will continue with my regular eye Dr. 'til than.

When I left the house to go to the Dr. it was a little misty from the rain, but not cold. When I came back the wind was blowing cold out of the west and the temperature was dropping. Gas went up .20 cents overnight. Dang...I should have filled the tank yesterday.

No shine...No...vember.


Monday, November 16, 2009

Thomas Turkus Dressing

This week I am thinking about next week. Thomas Turkus is coming to a plate near you. I think back and remember all the Turkey Dinners Mom used to cook. The week she passed away she was worried about how she was going to get up from her sick bed and cook Thanksgiving Dinner.
Mom made her own dressing most of her married years and family gatherings, while she was still cooking for the holidays. Only in her later years did she buy any of the boxed bread crumbs and seasonings. She always saved the heels of bread and stale bread for dressing. She mixed in her own seasonings and stuffed the turkey. She would get up early in the morning and put the turkey in the oven and start it baking for the day. She always had a big turkey and it took a long time to bake.
Because I live by myself I will not buy a turkey. I have a couple of Cornish Hens to bake and they will be more than enough for me. I will make my semi-home made dressing and add a few touches to it. I like to make oyster dressing with mushrooms and Chinese Water Chestnuts, about a half cup of cooked rice and about a half cup of oatmeal. I will save and add the liquid from canned mushrooms and the water chestnuts to the chicken broth I just saved. I add the seasoning and the bread crumbs. Yes, I buy the boxed dressing bread crumbs with the dry, pre-packed seasoning, but when I am finished it will be a lot better than what come out of the original box.
There are all kinds of recipes available online, but make it "your own' recipe and add what you like. Chop and add the liver, the heart or the gizzard if that is what you want in your dressing. I might mention that a Cornish Hen is small and you can't get too much stuffing into the cavity. I will add mine on the on the side with other vegetables.
Do you think it is too early to think about Thanksgiving? Nope, there will be a run to the stores for the next week and a half because the mailboxes are full of Thanksgiving food ads today. Go early and get what you want, need or can afford.
This morning I fried my eggs in one teaspoon of chicken fat. It was rendered out from the chicken I roasted last week along with the broth. To render the chicken fat from the chicken save all the skin, fat, bones, liquid and carcass of the chicken. Place in a pot to boil, add water and season to taste. Boil about 15 to 20 minutes and let stand to cool. When cool enough pour through a strainer and save the broth in a container in the refrigerator. When the broth is cold the fat will raise to the top and you can skim it off and put into a separate container and cover. You will never get 100 % percent of the fat of the broth, but that is OK. You want a little fat in the broth. Toss the skin and bones.
Don't forget, there are a lot of hungry people out there this what you can, if you can.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Soup of the Day and It Ain't Pretty

I'm tired of eating Chicken; I had it for lunch. I picked something easy for supper. Bean 'n Bacon soup with Rye Crackers hit the spot. I love the Rye Cracker and the soup. They go well together and both are good for you and for your diet, too.

I got a couple things accomplished today. I have been putting off covering the air conditioner for a while, waiting for colder weather. It's coming. Even 'though we have had several lite frosts the days have been very nice: Indian Summer. I think the Indians are about to pull down their wigwams and pull on out of here.

Usually when I cover the air conditioners I do a fairly decent job, but this year I did a "utility job." I have heavy plastic that I usually drag out, measure, cut, staple and tape to seal out any drafts that leak in around the A/C and window frame. This year I took a short cut. I pulled out a black plastic garbage bag and taped the heck out of it. It isn't pretty, but it works and in the spring time I can just rip it right out of there. It's not that I'm lazy(really?) it just that I am really lazy. It saves wear 'n tear on my arm. Yes, I can use my arm to some degree, but it ain't like it used to be.
There is a new blog up for anyone who is interested in political views, opinions and comments, as well as pictures from the Tea Party participants that assembled in Washington D. C. It is and interesting to read.

Friday, November 13, 2009

I Cheated

I admit it. I cheated on my diet today. I got tired of eating chicken and vegetables all week. I wanted something different for a change. I stopped and picked up a burger and a drink and French Fries. I will get back on the wagon tomorrow. A little verity does the body good. I have been eating chicken and salads and salads and chicken with vegetables tossed in for good measure. So yes, I went for the empty calories, high cholesterol, sugar and starch ...woe is me...but it was good!
I stopped and got gas on my way home. It is down to $2.41 if you pump it your self. That is down from $2.69 two weeks ago. It may go lower yet. Every gas station was pretty busy and in some places cars were lined up, waiting for a bargain. Will it be a bargain next week? I don't know, but I know I have several appointments next week and I have to have it. We are held captive by big government and the oil companies.
Beverly, I did get the web site and added it to my favorites.
I need to get busy and get milk from the store tomorrow. It is one item I don't keep in stock. So, this a short post and I am off. I will rattle your cages tomorrow.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Gold vs. Food

I've been reading survival blogs like a lot of people. Many of them advocate buying gold as a hedge against an economic collapse or depression. Such advice does not take into account the poor, the elderly or the infirm. These are the major population of this country. The poor are getting poorer much faster and the insurance schemes that now goes before the Senate is a form of population control . That leaves the sick and infirm in a vulnerable position and I guess euthanasia will be the next step the government will broach in order to "save."
I have no gold. I have no intention of trying to buy any. Most of us of the population of the lesser value...can't. There are other criteria that I consider true survival tools and many Americans live and practice these modes of living each day as necessities for getting through hard times.
All the gold that China has will not buy you my last slice of bread or piece of bologna. Gold won't get you through my door and it sure can't keep you warm at night. Try eating a gold coin or snuggling up to it at night for warmth. Gold may become the currency of the land, but if there is nothing to buy, it will buy you nothing.
I continue to urge my friends and relatives and anyone that happens to stumble herein, to stock up, if not for bad times, then for bad weather. I have said it before: STOCK UP.

There are three things you need in life in order to survive: shelter, food and water and cloths. Having close family ties is a bonus, but not always realistic. I could wax philological about guns, knives, survival kits and storage methods, but that isn't my within my expertise or even within my budget . There are many other blogs that cover all the information about weapons and security. No, I just want to remind readers that America is not out of the woods and seems to be getting deeper into the tall timber and heavy brush. So. watch out for Bigfoot 'cause he seems to be carrying a big club as he plows though the forest of higher taxes and infringing laws and regulations. "STORE UP YOUR TREASURES IN HEAVEN."
I went to get my hair done. The poor economy has really affected my hair dressers business. She has had to take on another job of janitorial work in the one of the schools just to keep her shop open. She is not a young person and her health isn't that wonderful. These are sad times for the little business people. Take heed.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Winter Greens project

More Greens from the garden have made it into the kitchen. I picked some small spinach, lettuce and Swiss Chard leaves and even found a couple onions that had been missed. In other words, I am "gleaning" as much my garden and getting as much as I can from it. Another salad coming up!
Every nutritionist in the modern world will advocate that we eat lots of green, red and yellow vegetables as well as fresh fruits. Your getting fiber,minerals,vitamins, flavonoids, pytonutrients, pytoestragen and micro chemicals.

You can't always get what you need from a can as heat and processing is destructive . You can fill up, but you may not be fueling up. And then you heat it up again, either on the stove or in the microwave. Heat kills the essential essences and microwaves explode the cell of your food. So it is good, but may not be good for you.
I recommend that if your meals are mainly from cans that you add Vit. B stress tabs. a good vitamin and Calcium with Vit D. To that be sure to get plenty of fibre.
I realize that not everyone can afford to eat well or eat "right." However, you can have some greens growing in a big butter dish in a sunny window. Take a large butter dish, place sand, grit or newspapers in the bottom, then add potting soil. Add some of our favorite "green" seeds in the soil near the top and cover. Water lightly, but do not drown. You can have a container of lettuce, Swiss Chard, or spinach growing in a sunny window. The bigger the plant, the bigger the dish you will need. You will soon have enough for a small salad or a BLT or whatever your heart desires. The time to start our pot is now.
I leave it up to you. I know you know how. I know you can do it. Fresh greens all winter long.
Just a note: There are a couple of words herein that I am not sure of the spelling and the spell checker can't find.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Still Green

I walked through the garden with the intent of cleaning some more dead plants out. I discovered that some plants are still producing in spite a few lite frosts and cool nights. I picked off all the green peppers I could find and even found a few more radishes. There are more radishes growing and as long as the weather holds I will let them continue and see how big they may get.

Did you know that radish leaves are completely edible? I will put some in my salad tonight. You can go online and find recipes for radish leaves. Just be sure to wash the leaves thoroughly. As you can see here I have not washed them yet, but they are now in the sink awaiting a bath.

As for the peppers, there were only a couple that I couldn't use because they hung in the mud and were starting to rot.

In the other picture you can see there is some spinach and Swiss Chard still very green and waiting for cutting. And guess, what...there are still butterflies in the flowers.

I hope that I can buy a new, small tiller in the spring; one small enough for me to use with limited arm power.

Glenn Beck is back on the air and TV tomorrow.

The End

Monday, November 9, 2009

Sunday dinner and then some

I was going to roast a chicken for Ray on Saturday, but we went out to eat instead. So, I roasted a Chicken yesterday instead, with all the fixings. It turned out pretty well. I probably put too much butter in the dressing, but I like moist dressing, so it suited me just fine .
I did fix the bacon and saved the bacon grease for future cooking. I don't have a picture of the bacon grease because it is in a glass jar and the flash reflects off the jar.
Do you save the bacon grease from your frying? I do and I also save the chicken fat and leftover liquid in another container. You can use the bacon fat and drippings for gravy, flavoring foods and frying eggs in. The chicken fat also makes a good flavoring agent in stews and even in some baking, such as homemade biscuits. Just add a teaspoon or so to the dough and see how good it makes biscuits taste when added to a regular recipe. I can make pretty good dumplings with some leftover chicken fat and drippings in a pot of boiling water. You don't have to have the chicken, but you can add the liver, heart, gizzard and neck or any other chicken part to the pot of water. Add seasoning to taste. WHAT? YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO MAKE DUMPLINGS? So cheat a little bit and use Bisquick from a package/box.
I put the steaks back in the freezer. If meat thaws out in the ice box/fridge you can safely refreeze...according to the experts...and I have done it before.
Go online to your search engine and type in bacon or chicken recipes and you can really make a chicken squawk or a pig squeal!
I didn't intend to go out today or go anywhere, but I just remembered that I needed to take some books back to the two days ago. I attended to that and checked out one...only
When I went to Wal-Mart last week I picked up some ant traps. I don't think they are very effective, but I will try them and hope that they work.
So...wad do ya think? Does that chicken look good? Yummm! Bet you wish you were here to help me eat that roasted chicken.
The END of the life of a chicken.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Ray visiting

A shot of Ray relaxing. That is the quilt that Cindy made and sent to me down by his feet. The couch will open up, but he says this is OK. OK for short people like me. Anyway, I got all the clutter off the couch. I just had to move it around as storage space is hard to find.

Ray is my nephew. He stopped to visit on his way through with his car hauler, up from Texas. We have been out to eat twice and I am fuller than a tick. We went the Chinese restaurant first and for supper we went to the Mexican Hacienda. I ate too much.

Other than washing a load of cloth and running them' through the dryer I haven't done much worthy of calling it work.

I guess I will cook Ray bacon and eggs in the morning so he can pull out around 7:A M. I am lazy, I know.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Money Tree loses it's leaves

My money tree has shed a few leaves in the past few days. I have been shopping again. This time I went to Wal-Mart and picked up a few things that were on sale.

I bought dressing which was on sale for $.78 cents a box and cake mixes that were also $.78 cents a box. I got four boxes of each.

I think I am pretty well set of winter. give or take a few items. I know I will get more bathroom tissue and maybe some boxes of tissues.

I got a couple steaks out of the freezer in case Raymond(nephew) is hungry tomorrow.

These days of sunshine and clear skies will probably slide away soon and be gone. I really don't look forward to winter..I like to be out, even if I can't do the yard work. I am trying to get someone to fix my mower for next summer and have it done and ready.

Now, an odd thing: my cursor keeps jumping all over the page and I have to constantly stop and "fix" the content of my posting. I don't know why it does this, but it is **** annoying.

I, like everyone, have spent a lot of time watching the tragedy of Fort Hood in Texas TV. It reminds all of us that anything can happen to anyone, anytime, anywhere and that we should be prepared the best we can. If that means to have extra food stuffs on hand, then do have it, if you can. Have water and medical means available and a basketful of hope and goodwill.


Thursday, November 5, 2009

Store stuff

My van is full and overflowing. Yes, I hit the grocery store with glee. There were some items that get I didn't get, but still, shoppers were giving my cart the eye, like.."I wonder what she is gonna do with all those canned goods." A couple items were sold out and I forgot a couple, but that's OK...I think I will go back.
Most of the canned goods remain in the van and I will bring them in one bag at a time. I found bananas for only $.39 cents a lb. Here, in town, bananas are $.59 cents a lb. I am in good shape if the weather turns in the wrong direction...I won't have to go out.
A friend is trying to talk me into getting a dog. Do I want a dog? Probably not, but may agree to do some volunteer work at the shelter. We will see.
I am trying to lose a little wt. so I guess I will fix a salad and a boiled egg for supper. I have been eating too much bread, so I will cut back on bread a little, too.
I have been trying to acquire a rolling pin from Freecycle. So far, no luck. I have never gotten much of anything from Freecycle. I am patient and persistent. I am still looking for a coffee percolator; all in good time.
I put a large load of cloths through the washer and ran them through the dryer. I bought the washer and dryer in 1987 which means they are getting old. I usually don't run big loads in the washer, but I did today. The larger the load the harder the machine works, so I generally keep it to smaller loads. One thing I do, do, is to clean the and filter/lint screen on the dryer frequently...just about each and every time I run the dryer. I have read in the papers that a lot of fires were/are caused by clogged screens and vents. So, I keep them free of lint the best I can.
The weather man just stated that we have had the coolest November on record. Heck, I could'a told 'em that.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Sales..Love 'em

I went out for a little time this afternoon. I wanted to go to THE FAMILY DOLLAR STORE and get some things that are on sale. I bought 3 bottles of DAWN DISH DETERGENT at .75 cents for 14 oz. per. bottle. That comes out to about $2.25 for the smaller bottles. That's about 10 oz. more then if I had bought one large bottle of 32 fl. oz. at a higher price. Also, picked up 2 cans of Vienna Sausage at .50 cents per can. That is about the average price for the little doggies, but I got them for an occ. snack. I will go back because I had a coupons I should have taken the first trip.

The grocery store is having a "ten for ten" sale and there are some bargains to be had; Hunt's Ketchup, Hunts Pasta Sauce, medium Grade A eggs, Pasta with meat and several other items are on sale. Ketchup will keep forever, even though it darkens over time. I use Hunt's Pasta Sauce for a good soup base and have about used up all that I had. So, it is off to the store I go tomorrow. Anyway, I plan on loading up the van and hauling it home.
I have just about read that book half way through that I got in the mail today from Beverly and enjoyed looking at the photos. too.

I pulled out a big bag of assorted material that I have been saving for a long time. I am not sure what I will do with it. Maybe some ideas will *pop* into my head.

I fixed a salad for lunch today and as I was "fixing" I wondered how clean the stuff in the stores are. I really don't trust the commercial packaging anymore. There are so many recalls for contaminated foods. Meats are often repackaged and relabeled. You can tell when meat is old because it is probably brown on the underside. Meats packaged on black plastic trays and are sealed. They are generally gassed for longer shelf life.

If you don't raise your own produce or know where to buy fresh meat, you get what you get. For those independent spirits that want to live off the land and off the is a hard way to go.

Well, I am off to find some dried fruit to munch on.


Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Me poo' eye

Well, I went to the eye Dr. today and had all the testing done. The bad news is that apparently I have had a laser induced "stroke" in my left eye. This is the same eye that I had laser surgery in about two years the ago for a bleeding vessel in the back of my eye. The good news is that I can't tell the difference and the Dr. said I probably wouldn't. I do have to go back for one more test to rule out tumor(s) which I don't really worry about. I already knew that I have the start of macular degeneration and cataracts. I have had glaucoma for several years which is well controlled.

I charged up the batteries for the camera and took it with me, but I didn't take any pictures. By the time I was finished at the Dr's office it was getting late and I lost interest. I did want to get some shots of the old post office. It is a fabulous building made of large lime stone blocks and almost castle-like. They had talked about tearing it down at one point and did knock down the old Greyhound Terminal, which was also a fine looking building. Europe has history; we keep tearing our history down.

I have all this furniture on the front porch and the weather man says it is supposed to rain tomorrow. I hope not because I can't move the stuff. Too big and heavy for me.

The "snoop lady" from across the street in the hospital with kidney cancer and a "black hole in her spine." It sounds pretty serious and I wish her well even if I did catch her up on my porch looking in my window.

In the last few months I have known three people with kidney cancer. I really think the water has a lot of pollutants in it. I have even seen toilet paper floating down the river . What else is in the water??

Monday, November 2, 2009


This a short post; mostly because I am tired. I have been dragging out some odds and ends and trying to clean behind stuff. I am trying to make room for my "new" computer desk/hutch and "new" TV. Also, the time change has left me tired, even 'though I got "more" sleep.

Tuesday is Doctor Day and that will take most of the afternoon.

I think I will go to bed early and post more next time.

On Sunday I cooked a large meal of white potatoes, turnips, sweet potatoes, carrots, green peppers and ham. That will make a few meals and I won't have to cook for a couple of days.

That is all...over and out......END