Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Tom-Cookery coming up

I have not been out shopping.
I have not been out to eat.
I did not get more books from the library.
I cooked a big pot of rice because I happen to like rice.
I did not need anything from the stores or groceries.
I didn't get any fresh reading materials from the library because if I have books to read I get nothing done.
I stayed close to home so I suppose I saved money and that is always a good deal. There is no deal like a saving deal.
I am trying to use up and empty out the refrigerator. Making room for Thanksgiving leftovers and stuff.
The Golden Corral is open on Thanksgiving day and I did consider going out to eat. If I did that I wouldn't have all the good holiday leftovers...left over. So I stayed in. Besides, it is raining.
The weather caster-man-map, says we could have snow flurries on Thursday. Remember, I have predicted snow on Nov. 30 and it is back in the postings somewhere.
My Cornish Hens are thawed out and ready for the big day. I have my Sweet Potatoes from the garden, cranberry sauce from one of the sales, stuffing to fix and lots of goodies to gobble, gobble.
Tomorrow I do have to go pick up my blood pressure medicine and put the new sticker on my license plate.
Last night I tried out the new blog editor. It either doesn't have or I just could not find the spell checker...and I do need a spell checker. I went back to this editor.
Glen Beck covered some of my thoughts for the past few days, just more eloquently and well detailed. Do you think he is reading my blog? Nah, no one reads my blog...LOL's!

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