Friday, March 28, 2014


I didn't forget to post; I was simply tired.  My batteries ran down and needed charging.  For that reason I slept late...very late.  I didn't go to mass today, let alone to the Stations of the Cross after Mass.  Fatigue has a habit of creeping up on me like the thief in the night.  As some of you know, I have severe sleep apnea and can go like the little Energy Bunny for a while.  Then I must take a day to rest and restore lost energy.  My "spirit may be willing," but my little engine starts to sputter and run out of gas.  As the saying goes, "It is what it is."

As I have been thinking about this season of Lent, my meditations have taken a divergent course.  I was wondering what is the difference between being a religious person or a spiritual person.  I think there is an occasional gap between the two.  I can claim to be a Christian/religious person, practice all the rules and regulations that are prescribed to a "religious" person...but am I?  Or am I like the Pharisees of old, just going through the motions.  The spiritual person, on the other hand, is a soul/individual, trying to connect with God and be in communion with God...through Jesus Christ or even more directly according to their own beliefs and teachings.  A "religious" person can be a spiritual person as well, a blessed melding. Yes, before you ask or disagree, there are many non-Christians who are spiritual people.

Thus, my meditations often take odd turns in the road, occasionally drifting from the paved way and down a different path.  Well, I'm kind of funny that way and my directional signals don't always blink according to the direction I want to travel.


Saturday, March 22, 2014

Hack Attack!!

What a strange week this has been!  I was  hacked.  Twice.  It isn't like I have a lot of money and am worth the effort of getting into my credit  card account.  The Bank caught it and froze my account.  What really caused me some problems was a notice from a legitimate official looking site that blocked my Internet connection and accused me all kinds of cyber crimes.  Now, if I were to be a good person and not commit all those evil deeds in the future...then they would unblock me for a "fine" of $300.00.  If I didn't pay the fine within 48 hours they would turn me in to the "Cyber Police" and notify The Supreme Court of the U. K.  The U.K. is England-United Kingdom.  I was not about to be scammed out of $300.00, but it did cost me money to have my computer cleaned of the virus.  It was money that I really could not afford to shell out, but I am not about to be held hostage by a scammer.  By the way, the computer tech said he had not seen this virus for a long time and it came as an FBI site before.  Now it comes as a cyber crime fighter site.
That has been part of my week.  The second part occurred because my neighbors moved and my provider for the Internet, phone and computer came and shut ME down by mistake.  Apparently they did not pay their bill either. 

Then...yesterday I almost got rammed by someone who ran the red light.  I saw a flash of white out of the corner of my eye and hit the brakes.  Someone was watching over me.
I am glad this week is just about over.  I was not able to post on this blog because of being scammed.  Why do scammers think that all Americans are wealthy and living the high life?  If they only knew the hardship they cause for so many that can ill afford to be ripped off.

Today was so nice.  I took a few items to the Good Will store.  I have more things to take, but can only take what I can lift.  Slowly getting rid of unused items.

This past Wed. I had another lazar treatment on my right eye.  This makes the 5th lazar treatment, but the pressure was so high that it was necessary.  The left eye was of an acceptable pressure.  I owe my soul to the eye doctor...almost, but my soul actually belongs to J.C.

As I indicated, this has been an unusual week and I hope all the negativity has run its course.  I know that all are praying for the lost souls on the missing air plane.

Do you know what happens when you have no phone, TV, or Internet?  You get a lot of work done!


Friday, March 14, 2014

Stick to it-ness during Lent

OK.  I am posting a little bit tonight.  This beaning Friday, there was Station of the Cross after Mass. Me, getting older and decrepit, sat through the stations.  My knees just are not as flexible as they once were.  I stayed and followed as best as I could.   I guess that I was one of very few that didn't  the do up and down genuflecting and standing at the appropriate times.  Age sneaks up on us all. sooner or later.  What you see is pretty much what you get.

After Mass and Stations I made a beeline for Wendy's for a fish sandwich.    Wendy's'   is right around the corner from the church.  I was hungry because I was fasting as it is Friday.

Technically I don't have to fast because of age and other issues, but I desire to put a little effort and discipline into the season of Lent.  It is a small part of penance.  As Christ gave His life for God's people...I guess I can give up a little bit in return as a memorial to His sacrifice.  There is lots that can be said, written and done during Lent, but most of you probably know how to practice Lent better than I.  So, I won't expand on Lent nor will I say whatever else I may be doing.  It is a good time to get rid of old, bad habits, take on new and better ways and become closer to God.  The real challenge is the "stick to it-ness" after the Forty Days are over.

There you have it: a little bit of posting for Friday.


Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Before the Blessed Sacrament

It's late.  I'm tired.  I won't post much tonight.  Mass was at 6 P. M. followed by  the Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament.  Right after Mass there was an exodus out all the doors.  Some of us stayed. Most were out as quickly as possible, just as they are at any Mass.

I am sure that many had good reason to leave and not stay for Exposition or any part of it.  I admire the lady with her several children and the family with six(6) stair-step boys. They has their hands full, yet they stayed until almost the end of Exposition.

I don't get a chance to partake of the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament very often, so when I do I take advantage of the opportunity for a time of Adoration. 

I was thinking of the Apostles who were not at the foot of the cross, but hidden away in the upper room, trying to figure out what to do.  Other than John, Mary, Mary Magdalene and the women that followed Jesus throughout his preaching and teachings...the men were not there.  Even Peter, who denied Jesus three times at the gate of the inquisitors/Sanhedrin, was not there.

For this opportunity to give homage, prayer and worship before the Blessed Sacrament...I and a few others stayed at the foot of the cross.  Not literally, of course, but in and as a spiritual bouquet.

So...this post is short.  Perhaps I can make up for it before the week is over.  We will see.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Forty Days and Forty Nights-sounds like a movie

Well, I told you Lent was coming.  I hope you were/are ready for the next forty days.  We are never quite ready for penance, are we?  Personal behavior is hard to change or improve, but we give it "the old college try," don't we?

Ok, I went to Ash Wednesday service/mass and now I have a smudgy forehead.  I wish that I had gone over to "the home" because church was packed to the rafters and the parking lot was worse and ice was treacherous.  It isn't melted off entirely.  I guess Pope Francis is a good shepherd and the sheep are coming home in spite of the ice and parking difficulties.

I have a few things on my list of "do's and don't do's."  I seldom say or list them publicly.  I do suggest that one keep a journal, if at all possible.  It is good to look back at the end of the Lenten season to see where we may have failed, were lax or did well.  Today starts my own Lenten journal.  Kick me if I don't keep it up...I hope you have a long reach.

one head of cabbage
peel of outer leaves
(save for soup)
slice off several
or one slice about
the size of a slice
of bread.
brush olive oil
or oil of choice
on each side of
cabbage slice(es).
salt and pepper
to taste on each side.
place each slice on
cookie sheet
and bake for about
20 minutes at 350 
watch that they don't
burn because all
ovens are different.

I like a little garlic salt on mine...not too much.  The baked cabbage slices come out yummy and crunchy.  Yes, I "stole" this recipe from the Dr. Oz show.  Shame on me.