Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Before the Blessed Sacrament

It's late.  I'm tired.  I won't post much tonight.  Mass was at 6 P. M. followed by  the Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament.  Right after Mass there was an exodus out all the doors.  Some of us stayed. Most were out as quickly as possible, just as they are at any Mass.

I am sure that many had good reason to leave and not stay for Exposition or any part of it.  I admire the lady with her several children and the family with six(6) stair-step boys. They has their hands full, yet they stayed until almost the end of Exposition.

I don't get a chance to partake of the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament very often, so when I do I take advantage of the opportunity for a time of Adoration. 

I was thinking of the Apostles who were not at the foot of the cross, but hidden away in the upper room, trying to figure out what to do.  Other than John, Mary, Mary Magdalene and the women that followed Jesus throughout his preaching and teachings...the men were not there.  Even Peter, who denied Jesus three times at the gate of the inquisitors/Sanhedrin, was not there.

For this opportunity to give homage, prayer and worship before the Blessed Sacrament...I and a few others stayed at the foot of the cross.  Not literally, of course, but in and as a spiritual bouquet.

So...this post is short.  Perhaps I can make up for it before the week is over.  We will see.

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