Friday, March 14, 2014

Stick to it-ness during Lent

OK.  I am posting a little bit tonight.  This beaning Friday, there was Station of the Cross after Mass. Me, getting older and decrepit, sat through the stations.  My knees just are not as flexible as they once were.  I stayed and followed as best as I could.   I guess that I was one of very few that didn't  the do up and down genuflecting and standing at the appropriate times.  Age sneaks up on us all. sooner or later.  What you see is pretty much what you get.

After Mass and Stations I made a beeline for Wendy's for a fish sandwich.    Wendy's'   is right around the corner from the church.  I was hungry because I was fasting as it is Friday.

Technically I don't have to fast because of age and other issues, but I desire to put a little effort and discipline into the season of Lent.  It is a small part of penance.  As Christ gave His life for God's people...I guess I can give up a little bit in return as a memorial to His sacrifice.  There is lots that can be said, written and done during Lent, but most of you probably know how to practice Lent better than I.  So, I won't expand on Lent nor will I say whatever else I may be doing.  It is a good time to get rid of old, bad habits, take on new and better ways and become closer to God.  The real challenge is the "stick to it-ness" after the Forty Days are over.

There you have it: a little bit of posting for Friday.


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