Friday, March 28, 2014


I didn't forget to post; I was simply tired.  My batteries ran down and needed charging.  For that reason I slept late...very late.  I didn't go to mass today, let alone to the Stations of the Cross after Mass.  Fatigue has a habit of creeping up on me like the thief in the night.  As some of you know, I have severe sleep apnea and can go like the little Energy Bunny for a while.  Then I must take a day to rest and restore lost energy.  My "spirit may be willing," but my little engine starts to sputter and run out of gas.  As the saying goes, "It is what it is."

As I have been thinking about this season of Lent, my meditations have taken a divergent course.  I was wondering what is the difference between being a religious person or a spiritual person.  I think there is an occasional gap between the two.  I can claim to be a Christian/religious person, practice all the rules and regulations that are prescribed to a "religious" person...but am I?  Or am I like the Pharisees of old, just going through the motions.  The spiritual person, on the other hand, is a soul/individual, trying to connect with God and be in communion with God...through Jesus Christ or even more directly according to their own beliefs and teachings.  A "religious" person can be a spiritual person as well, a blessed melding. Yes, before you ask or disagree, there are many non-Christians who are spiritual people.

Thus, my meditations often take odd turns in the road, occasionally drifting from the paved way and down a different path.  Well, I'm kind of funny that way and my directional signals don't always blink according to the direction I want to travel.


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