Tuesday, March 31, 2009


It has rained all night and for a good part of the day. Tomorrow it is supposed to be a decent day, but the rain will be back for the rest of the week. I wasn't going to go out today, but I really needed a trip to the beauty shoppe as my hair was really getting ratty looking. So, I mustered up the courage to brave the rain and get it done. I can't do a lot about my hair anymore so I pay the price to look decent..or neat.

All the news channels are proclaiming that April 1st will be "worm day." They say that not much is known about this new invasive worm, but it could take over your computer and/or cause unknown damages. Well, why not? If the gov. can take over our daily lives, then I guess a computer virus can, too. It is a virus that has probably been made by some foreign worker 'cause everything else is. Not much is made in America theses days, unless you count debt and unemployment.

So, tomorrow I guess I will stay off line...just in case. It is is bade enough to have termites..let alone worms. That reminds me; One year I came home from vacation and found a snake skin under my closet door. You can bet that I opened that door very carefully. How it came to be there I don't know. Anyway, as the snake found its way in it must of fund its way out 'cause I didn't find it, much to my relief.

Still trying to capture the critter under the house. I know how it got in; through the vent opening's in the concrete block of the foundation. He is a happy
critter 'cause he stays and stays.

Tomorrow is my trip to the orthopedic surgeon. My guess is that he will release me as the therapist doesn't think my elbow will progress further. I can squeeze 45 lbs. of pressure with my left hand, but only 15 lbs. with my right. However I will continue to "work it."


Monday, March 30, 2009


I didn't realize how close the tornado came to Henderson. It touched down about 12 miles south of here doing a fair amt. of damage , getting as close as about 2 miles from here,right along highway 60. Too close. No injuries this time.

Yesterday was a slow, peaceful kind of day, just the way I like it, tornadoes not withstanding.

I am perplexed at what the President is doing. Maybe he is getting bad advice(duh) or maybe he wants to quickly shove US over the cliff into socialism? You tell me.

Treesong has an interesting blog about fund money. Although my house is decrepit I have not found any greenbacks in the walls or under the house. I did find an old fishing pole that had the handle eaten off. I think if there were any bucks in or under the house that the termites found the first..and ate the paper. Hey, maybe Oboma is a giant, alien termite and that is why he keeps printing money! Termites gotta eat, don't you think?

I have been having and continue to have problems with either my "made in China" modem or with the ATT service itself and am getting fed up with it.

Waiting, waiting..for the garden to dry out. Waiting, waiting for the Groundhog/Woodchuck to get into its little trap


Saturday, March 28, 2009


The rains came down and the lights flickered. The sky darkened and the wind blew. I paid no attention. The warning sirens wailed, but didn't last long and became silent. I just went on with my business of doing nothing of importance. Down the road in Coryden they had a tornado. Not a big one, but enough to cause considerable damage and put the town in the dark. You never know what will occur in life, so try to be ready for it.

We may not have an insurrection, an economy collapse, riots in the streets or famine, but we will always have weather. Unpredictable weather. So, be ready for it. Have a supply of batteries, candles, at least one radio the does not require electricity, water, and as much stuff as other bloggers recommend. You should know by now the stuff you will need 'cause we will always have weather. It may not be fair weather, so be ready for whatever blows your way. Even the gov. in its infinite wisdom, is advising that we have at lest 3 days of supplies on hand for each individual. So, get to it. There is more turbulence in the air to come. Be ready.

Tomorrow, being Sunday, is a good day to take a break from blogs, computers and all the stress of living in an instant information age. I will rest my mind and soul for it is the 7th day...it is highly recommended..you know where.


Friday, March 27, 2009


Let me sleep in the morning. After all, I am retired. Its not like I have to get up, go to work, or worry about putting out a dog or gathering eggs(yet), so let me be lazy in the A. M. and sleep. Let me snuggle deep into my feather comforter on theses cold mornings and get up as the spirit moves me. Don't call me at 8 A. M. to tell me that I must hurry and use my credit card before the interest rates go up. I don't use it except for dire circumstances anyway. Don't get my confused with the Spotsville School to tell me your child isn't going to school today. I don't care and its OK by me if your kid stays home as long as I can stay home, too. Don't mix me up with the transmission repair shop 'cause your car won't go. If "your finger does the walking" through the telephone book..your gonna wind up walking, for sure.
If it is my Dr., Dentist or the Candle Stick maker, leave a message. I'll return the call..after I have slept my fill.

I like a late breakfast and early supper. It is due to working many yrs. on the eve. shift, getting home late and going to bed in the wee hrs. after winding down. I like food, but am not the best of cooks, so up until I hurt my arm I ate out a lot. I didn't have all the dishes to wash and if anyone knows anything about KY, then you know it is hot, hot, hot, and intensely humid in the summer. A good reason for not cooking, don't you think?

Now it is a bit harder to go out and I guess I am saving money which is a good thing, right? I guess I will need to watch my nickles and dimes now so I can pay for yard work and all that stuff. I'd rather go out to eat. And I'd rather sleep late, so let me.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


The grass is growing and got a nice haircut today. Yes, the yard was mowed in March. It could have been mowed last week. My only regret is that now I will have to look harder for Dandelion Greens and wild onions.

The weather is reasonably warm in the daytime and cooler at night. The next few days will be cloudy and raining on and off. The garden plot is ready to plant, but needs to dry out some.

This has been a quiet day with not much going on, but I did get my Mother Earth magazine today. There was a couple pictures of chicken coops that were interesting and I showed the to Chuck, the handyman. Hopefully he will build me one. I would like fresh eggs again and a few chickens will keep insects down.

BTW. I was at the Dr's. office and they had taken a tick out of some one's neck, so beware..they are around already.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


I went to the Rural King Farm store to get seeds for the garden. I did get a lot of packet seeds that I like. However, if you want to put in a garden you better go and get what you need ASAP. They have run out of onion sets and there were very few potatoes to be had. Lots of smart people are of the same mindset. Plant now..eat later.

I would like to start a small asparagus plot beside the house and have some leeks close by, too. I have great ideas, but short on arm power, but hey, nothing worthwhile comes without a few aches and pains and sweat equity.

I took a huge plastic bag full of more plastic bags to the Salvation Army. I have more to take next time I go. Naturally I had to look around. I did buy a couple blouses and two pair of slippers. I really needed the slippers. I found a nice duck print, too. I tried to get into the Goodwill Store, but it was overflowing with cars. It has become really busy since the "Depression" that everyone is trying to call a recession.

Life has changed and we have to adapt from being a world class nation to maybe a second or even a third class nation with China as the owner of our country Thank you, Mr. President.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Tomorrow (Wednesday) I am going to get some seeds for the garden. I am not sure what I want to have planted. It is too early for tomatoes. It is supposed to get chilly in the next few days.

Chuck, the handy man , has cleaned up my yard , sprayed the fruit trees and cut back vines and volunteer trees and scrubs. My yard looks nice, but on either side of me the property is quite neglected. I bet the guy next door mowed his yard maybe four times last summer. One the other side the Neighbors piled up a heap of trash and garbage. Last year I had 2 guys come and clear all that fence line out, including their nasty pile of refuse. They were too lazy or backward to take it out for pick-up. It is right back up again. I think I will have to call the city inspector on them. Should have done that last year instead of paying out all that money in order to have a decent yard on my side of the fence.

I think I will have s small chicken coop built. I don't know why I shouldn't have some fresh eggs while their dogs stink up the neighborhood: chickens can't be any worse.

This eve. my arm is giving me fits. The weather is about to change. People with arthritis always know when the weather is about to be fickle. Now I know how they feel.

Anyone out there with any ideas or recipes? I just got 2 new books from Amazon. One about Edible and Medicinal Plants and the other is an Army Survival book. The Army Survival book is a bit outdated, but interesting. It was printed in 1971. The info. about how to handle snake bites is clearly a no-no today, but overall, useful.


Monday, March 23, 2009


There is a garden in the air. I thought I wouldn't be having a garden this year, but the guy that does my home repairs is tilling up the garden plot for me on the premise of sharing the produce. Him, I trust, but his wife is a different matter. I don't know how much integrity resides in her soul.

But Chuck has been tilling much of the day, going over and over the plot. He spotted a Wood Chuck that has been living under the house and being most annoying. You can't shoot it in city limits and I don't really know how to get rid of it. It a big, fat Wood Chuck that will eat any good stuff sprouting in the garden. And that is what probably what happened to my corn sprouts last year.

Now is the time to plant peas, potatoes and various greens. I hope to get in some Swiss Card and other greens. Potatoes do not do well in my yard because of the Bermuda Grass someone planted at one time. The roots or runners will spear right through a nice potato and if you bite down on a potato that has been speared it is like being stabbed by a sharp nail. I will try to start a few potatoes in a container.

I think once the seeds and plants are in I can keep it weeded. I may not be able to can anything later, but I can blanch and freeze the produce to put in my tummy at a later date. I can hold a cane in one hand and weed with the other...I think.

Now, after therapy I stop and reward myself at Wendy's. I like their chicken wraps. then, when I get home I don't have to worry about cooking supper or washing dishes. And that is good.

According to good sentence structure one is never supposed to start a sentence with an "AND" or with a "But." They are conjunctions and are used to hold and join a sentence together. I have gotten where I do it a lot anymore, a bad habit I have picked up, but shouldn't do it. I will try to be more correct in the future. "BUT"...you know how it is...

The End

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Winnowing the Chafe

I am sooo tired of the broadcasters and bloggers who predict the desperate scenarios espoused in all spectrum's of the news and gloom...because Americans are survivors and adaptors. We will cling to our homes, Constitution, guns and religion. We just will, but are never given credit for our tenacity to hang on...even by our finger nails, if necessary. We have survived wars, depressions, and natural disasters presidential assasinations dust storms and blizzards..and we will do it again.WE ARE SURVIVORS.

There seems to be three categories of people. There are the savvy ones who are prepared citizens that have been thinking "What if," and the middle of the roadst-ers who have not thought about the eminent future and have not or could not get a handle on stocking up...and then there the Mad Max-ster segment, the dregs of displaced humanoids that seem to be abundant in this country.

Of these some will tough it out; some will lay down in the middle of the road and expire from despair. And then there will be the chafe, the undesirable blighted wheat and weeds in the field.

For anyone that never grew up on a farm or has now knowledge of harvesting, the chafe is the unusable hulls, debre', dirt, sticks and grit that is hauled in with the wheat or grain. When the winnowing is being done the chafe blows away in the wind or is sifted to the ground. Winnowing isn't done in this country anymore, but the poorer nations of the world still winnow by hand.

So, this country will have a big shake out. Some will be like the wheat that makes it safely into the granaries of man, but some of the wheat and cereal grains will be lost on the way and the chafe will be blown away.

I did forget the rats, didn't I? There will be a hoard for rats running about eating up the wheat and seed grains, so watch out for them. They often mutate, but are generally disguised as Bankers, Politicians and Congressmen. Yup, gotta watch out for the rats.

Where is your thread in the fabric of of people placement? Doesn't matter as long as you have a place mat, a plate, a fork and a spoon at the table where the bread is made of wheat? It will. Indeed, it will, for chafe may be you..or even me.

I really didn't feel like cooking this eve. so it was warmed over potatoes, spinach and a good steak. It was what I had on hand. I hope I always have good food on hand and that you do, too.

Tomarrow is Sunday and I think I shall just take the day off.


Friday, March 20, 2009

"Let them eat cake"

Obama told Americans he was the candidate of "change." He is defiantly changing the face of the nation and embracing socialism for this country.

Nations change and society crumble. The damage usually comes from within from theft, corruption, the grasp for power, poorly executed wars and government policies.

We are hearing it on the news and seeing it on the street and in the homes. Family values fade, churches and teachings of value are scorned as we "Cling to our guns and religion."

When there is no news the media creates news and feeds it to us on a silver spoon. We swallow it with some scare tactics, a little salt and pepper and for dessert, "The sky is falling..the Sky is falling." We have a Henny Penny President and he is either leading or perhaps being steered by a Robin Hood Congress. "Rob from the rich and give to the Poor"..oops, I got that wrong: Rob everybody. Share the wealth or the now elite "Servants of The People." And they would be the elected by hmm..us?

Ahh, Grim's Fairy Tales; Read them and com template. We are the stars in Oboma's little book of getting lost in the woods.

I think I should stop watching the news, listening to the radio and checking the stock market. Maybe I will just eat hearty, get fat and play on the computer. That makes as much sense as trusting our present mis-leaders and a whole lot more satisfying. Czke anyone?


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Radio stuff

On the Coast to Coast show last night George was talking about how ammo is getting scarce and expensive even if you can find it. He was expecting the main, mass media to pick up this info. and be all over it. I don't know if they did because this was a therapy day for me and I didn't watch the news.

I think maybe the main news was actually more interested in the AGI mess that the Government helped to create. The TV news channels really don't pay attention to the erosion of freedom and the loss of individual rights. They should pay attention because as we lose our status in the octpussy government, they will lose their rights as well. At the moment The Free Press is serving the needs of the Master, but it is just a question of time and timing before there will be full blown censorship in this country.

My brother used to tell me that the way a government controls a county and leads a people into servitude is by taking over mass communication and the press. We see it happening now as we live and breath in this lifetime. We have seen control of the spoken word, freedom of speech and the press applied in many third world, poor, uneducated countries and now being used to soften up the thinking people in this nation.However, we are well softened, chewed and ready for digestion.. Maybe it already too late to outrun and escape from the avalanche.

Thus far we are being lead softly into the night, but it will change subtly and than rapidly. I think we are well down the path to vassle subjects...but than...what do I know.

I think if I had arsenal Fed. agents would soon be knocking on my door "though I be an older, poorer and less aggressive individual on S.S. But you know, it may be the elders of this country who remember what we had 20-25 yrs. will be the ones that will have to take up the slack and carry the torch.

The end

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Shopping and stocking

Last eve. while putting away my canned goods on my newly built shelves in the closet I noted that I really didn't have many cans of vegetables. I have lots of beans and lots of Spam, but not many vegetables. So, I decided I would go to the store and get some cans of mixed veggies to store with my beans. Also, noted that I do not have much mixed fruit in cans, either. So, I got some of them, too.

My predicament remains that I can not carry much with my right arm. I will have to carry the cans in a few at a time. However, I did manage to get my snacks in with no trouble at all...well, almost no trouble.

I guess that any future shopping will be that way; a little at a time. I don't really want to shop that way as it will be extra trips and extra gas, but you do what you have to do in the best way possible.

A "friend" who had volunteered to come and sort things out and help me get rid of stuff...didn't call back and never showed up. Friends..well, this is the second time "friend" has done this and it will be the last time, me thinks.


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nuttin' much

It's about 70 degrees outside here in Western Ky. I opened the doors and some screens and let the sun pour in.

Last night I had a craving for starch so I made a pot of spaghetti. I cheated and used sauce from a jar. Not as good as my Mother used to make, but I got my fill of starches.

For some reason I was very tired this morning and went back to bed and slept for 2 more hrs. It was probably caused by the spaghetti I ate last night. The body reacts to different foods in different ways. I still have a half pot of spaghetti to eat, but I will "stretch" it out and not eat so much at one meal.

I am trying to think of how I can have a garden this year. Maybe some tomatoes in pots on the back porch. Maybe a few beans and onions as well. I wonder if I can manage some potatoes in a pot. Well, I will think about it.

Last fall I was sure I would have a few chickens in the backyard and had someone lined up to build a small chicken coop. I had ducks a few years ago and enjoyed the fresh duck eggs. I had enough to give away at work. Plans can change pretty fast.

I need to replace the control knob on my washer. I called around to various repair shops, but they want $50.00 just to walk in the door and get the model no. They may think their time is valuable, but i don't' think it's THAT valuable. I found the original manual that came with the machine so maybe I can order it myself. It is what ails the country: people want a lot for a little work or time. It isn't enough that they are getting a repair job, but they want even more. Which is why the live in better homes that I do.

Does anyone out in there in either land know how to set up a feed burner?


Monday, March 16, 2009


This afternoon I went back out into the yard and picked more Dandelion greens, a small amount of Narrow Dock, a few wild onion sprouts and found a Stinging Nettle. I left the Nettle alone. I didn't want it that badly. The Narrow Dock is still very small, but pick-able. The Polk hasn't arrived yet, but it will. Anyway, I have enough for a salad with some left over.

The Plum tree is in full blossom now and very pretty. It needs to be sprayed. The Pear tree is sure to be in blossom next and soon.

After therapy today I drove myself out to Wal-Mart just to see if I could handle the traffic. I did O. K. I didn't go in ,but I did stop at Sonic next door and gave the economy a little boost.

Again, there is very little to write about. I don't know how all the bloggers come up with stuff. Therefore, I shall belabor my gray matter no more for this day.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

just stuff

I didn't post a word yesterday because it was a busy day for me. I had someone come in and clean out the gutters and build shelves into my closet. Then I went out for supper and that was a disappointment. The Golden Corral was pretty crowded last night with people that wanted to have a meal out, but some dinners were rude and thoughtless, often letting their kids run wild. As I am now using a cane for balance, I just can't handle the shoving, running, weaving, and generally trying to get to the feed trough first. Not everyone is to be generalized as non-graced, good mannered customers because many are wonderful in behavior and acumen, but enough are NOT..to make me think twice about going back. One older man was paying not enough attention to where he was walking and talking to people as he made his way about the buffet' and tripped over my cane,which was well out of the way. It hurt him and he did apologize to me and that made me sad, for in his case he just didn't mean it. However, it is like driving; you have to watch were your going.

I ate the last of my Dandelion greens today, wilted over a burger and onions. Pretty good. The nice thing about wild greens is that you won't need a harsh laxative and your internal, intestinal combustion machine will work just fine. No MOM needed!
So, sometime tomorrow I will go out in the yard and find some more Dandelions. The French raise Dandelion greens as a commercial salad food and there are several ways to cook them or just use them in a mixed salad.

The weather is getting a bit warmer; it is supposed to be in the fifties and sixties this week with some rain on occasion. I am still going to therapy so I hope is rains between trips. My Pear tree is budding and so is the Plum tree. Love Plums! As soon as they blossom I will need to get someone to spray them this year. Love Pears, too!

Friday, March 13, 2009

The Bible

I jokingly made a comment on SurviorLady's blog wondering why she didn't add the Bible to her book list that she was putting together. Then, as I thought about it, it shouldn't be a joke, but a book that is on every ones list of books to acquire if they don't already have one.

To J..R.Rawls credit, he knows his Bible well and often includes pertinent verses in His Survival Blog.

This country was founded on the precepts of the New Testament. The Ten Commandments are the glue that holds this nation together, separating man from beast, making the creation of our constitution the next greatest document devised by the intellect of man. Our forefathers even inscribed the common penny with the motto "In God we Trust."

Whether you believe in the Bible or not is your business. Apparently a lot of power people do not because the commandment of "Thou shalt not steal doesn't seem to find it in to their of ethics or business dealings, esp. among bankers, politicians and Wall Street thieves of note.

Believe what you will , teach your children well. If society were to undergo great changes or even fall apart, what will the next generation be guided by and by whom? Will we be a socialist nation with a dictatorial government at the helm or will there a few Bible readers left over the take the reins of a lost vehicle that is driving over the cliff: you decide.

Thursday, March 12, 2009


No one in America should go hungry, even in the inner cities. Let us eat squab. Squab is a delicacy and served in fine restaurants at at respectable prices. Well, you too can dine as fine as the more affluent do. They may not be doing it very often in the future, but you can, now and into the future, if you wish to.

Squab is nothing more that a young pigeon that roosts in and around church towers, tall buildings and struts about in yards, city parks and messes up sidewalks and park benches. A lot of municipalities will pay good $$$$ for someone to come and eradicate them from wherever they coo, congregate and leave their droppings.

A pigeon isn't all that hard to catch or raise. Find where they roost and quietly bag them at night. Don't forget to get permission to tread on private or city properties. They don't require a lot of exotic food if you decide to raise them, but you will need a roosting/pigeon cage to protect them from predators...like cats and people of poor repute.

What is termed as squab is really a young pigeon, 25 to 30 days old. That is when they are most tender. Most of the meat is the breast meat, but those little legs can go into stews and the rest to your dog if you have one. The feathers are quite lovely and can be used in fetching arrows or even crafts projects. And the little bird turds/ messes or calling cards they are famous for leaving behind...straight to the garden for fertilizer of the organic kind.

There are commercial vendors for squabs, supplies and also web sites for recipes. You can raise them for your own table or as a cash crop or even just raise them for fun. Raising squab or young pigeons would be a good project for young family members or Scouts. I think the hardest thing to do if you are raising squab for meat would be the act of dispatching them. If you are hungry or in need you can do it.

I don't try to give all the details for raising, catching or cooking squab. I think most people can look the information up on their computers or find it in the library.

Never go hungry.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Yesterday I went out into the back yard and picked some dandelion greens. They are Small yet, but that is when they are best. I looked for Polk, but it isn't up yet. It won't be long before Polk starts appearing. Again, Polk is best when picked small or fairly young leaves can be gathered.

It got me thinking. No one in America should be starving. This little blue globe singing through space is abundant with greenery that is edible if you know what to glean from Mother Earth.

There are all kinds of "weeds" that are good to eat and are nutritious for the body human. You just know what to seek. A few very common "weeds" that are easy to identify are Narrow Dock, Chickweed, Nettles, Cattails, Mustard Greens, and Plantain. To this end find someone adept in foraging or go to the library and check out a good book that has good color plates that will show you what you can easily harvest, even in the city or your own backyard.

P. S. It is just about time for mushrooms.

While surfing I came across some picures of a tent city in California. there was a picture of a woman cooking over an open fire on the ground. Not only was this a dangerous way to cook it was wastefull of time and enenergy. Sparks fly and wood to burn is probably hard to come by; not all wood is efficient for cooking or heat. She probaly didn't know about Dekota Fire Pits and no one had showed her. It would be nice if someone with a smattering of survivial/camping knowledg would amble though these tent cities and show them "how to do It."

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Guns 'n Knives 'n stuff

While looking online at various new and used gun sales I wasn't too surprised to see that there were not a lot of arms in stock. I was just curious because I would like to sell my big old 12 gauge shotgun that I will never be able to handle again due to an elbow injury that didn't heal well..or the way I wished it had. I was kinda wondering what it was worth in that funny money that the government is spewing out of their presses.

As I didn't see any shotguns so I just surfed along and looked at antique knives, too. And what did my wondering eyes behold? An "antique" butcher knife just like my mother had in her knife drawer. It was made of carbon steel, which of course is good stuff for sharp blades. I don't know what ever happened to that knife, but I wish I had it today, just because it was hers, a reminder of who she was and all the hard work she did with that old knife. It was selling for $35.00, so value wise it was not a lot of money, but it had an intrinsic worth that can not be recaptured or duplicated.

When our parents and older or aging extended families leave us we loss all that wisdom and accrued knowledge that took their lifetimes of trial and error to glean, leaving us, so often, to relearn all over again, and more often than not, the hard way..hard LivingLessons. What my parents filed away in their mental file cabinets can not be retrived, just relearned, if we are lucky.

Thus, when I get to go out "junking" again, I will look for some old butcher knives, maybe an old rolling pin or cutting board..like my mother used to have.

Monday, March 9, 2009


After reading, listening, watching the news the and visiting various blogs I have come to the conclusion that we natives of the village of USA have been hex-ified by the group Shamans of Washington, DC,the Chief Village,far away from the urban jungles and open Savannas. If one predator doesn't get us another one will.

The witch doctors have been hexing us poor, dumb natives for quiet awhile now, wearing masks, shaking their rattles, dancing a frenzy and singing their chants to salvage, we the little tribal natives. The jungle and the open plains are in dire straits and only their magic spells can save us. If the crock-agators don't get us the lions will or the giant python will swallow the unaware. I am inclined to think that the slithering python will will be the insidious snake in the grass, trees or what have you, and devourer us all, just it has devoured my IRA, very small stocks in Ford, and is slurping away on my small S.S. check. Pssssssssssssss!

Don't believe in magic and hypnotic spells? Than you had better stock up for a rainy day because I see storm clods on the horizon. I can't tell you what to have on hand or where to go or how to kick the shamans in their rattles. There are plenty of blogs and web sites to guide you along on those subjects. The only thing I might add to their good info.is to have some cash on hand for emergencies/and survival issues. I have a jar full of pennies and spare change, so I will never be broke. I have always been poor, but what the heck, I'm used to that!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

be aware

Be aware that mey elbow never healed properly and I often hit the wrong keys before I can edit my post


I wanted something soft,flavorful, yuummy and easy to make. I got a box of pre-mix Cinnomen Sweurl Qucick bread to fix. When I opened the box I thougt the mix didn't look right, that something was missing. Well, I had already started with the eggs, oil and water so I decided to finish it up and bake it. It didn't turn out like quick bread: more like an egg suffle'. It didn't taste bad so I decied to cunsume it. I am a person that doesent like to waste so I didn't.

Occ. I do have to toss out food. After I got home from my fractured elbow escapade I did have to get rid of some foods that went bad in the 'fridge. We Americans waste and toss out more food than many nations can produce. I think that we will be sorry for it in the not too-distent future.

I think we are alredy in a depression and I am sad that I can not put in a garden this year unless someone decides to make me some raise beds. I can wish and look at the seed catoluges and wish some more.

BTW, I think the mix was very short on flour!!