Saturday, March 21, 2009

Winnowing the Chafe

I am sooo tired of the broadcasters and bloggers who predict the desperate scenarios espoused in all spectrum's of the news and gloom...because Americans are survivors and adaptors. We will cling to our homes, Constitution, guns and religion. We just will, but are never given credit for our tenacity to hang on...even by our finger nails, if necessary. We have survived wars, depressions, and natural disasters presidential assasinations dust storms and blizzards..and we will do it again.WE ARE SURVIVORS.

There seems to be three categories of people. There are the savvy ones who are prepared citizens that have been thinking "What if," and the middle of the roadst-ers who have not thought about the eminent future and have not or could not get a handle on stocking up...and then there the Mad Max-ster segment, the dregs of displaced humanoids that seem to be abundant in this country.

Of these some will tough it out; some will lay down in the middle of the road and expire from despair. And then there will be the chafe, the undesirable blighted wheat and weeds in the field.

For anyone that never grew up on a farm or has now knowledge of harvesting, the chafe is the unusable hulls, debre', dirt, sticks and grit that is hauled in with the wheat or grain. When the winnowing is being done the chafe blows away in the wind or is sifted to the ground. Winnowing isn't done in this country anymore, but the poorer nations of the world still winnow by hand.

So, this country will have a big shake out. Some will be like the wheat that makes it safely into the granaries of man, but some of the wheat and cereal grains will be lost on the way and the chafe will be blown away.

I did forget the rats, didn't I? There will be a hoard for rats running about eating up the wheat and seed grains, so watch out for them. They often mutate, but are generally disguised as Bankers, Politicians and Congressmen. Yup, gotta watch out for the rats.

Where is your thread in the fabric of of people placement? Doesn't matter as long as you have a place mat, a plate, a fork and a spoon at the table where the bread is made of wheat? It will. Indeed, it will, for chafe may be you..or even me.

I really didn't feel like cooking this eve. so it was warmed over potatoes, spinach and a good steak. It was what I had on hand. I hope I always have good food on hand and that you do, too.

Tomarrow is Sunday and I think I shall just take the day off.


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