Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Shopping and stocking

Last eve. while putting away my canned goods on my newly built shelves in the closet I noted that I really didn't have many cans of vegetables. I have lots of beans and lots of Spam, but not many vegetables. So, I decided I would go to the store and get some cans of mixed veggies to store with my beans. Also, noted that I do not have much mixed fruit in cans, either. So, I got some of them, too.

My predicament remains that I can not carry much with my right arm. I will have to carry the cans in a few at a time. However, I did manage to get my snacks in with no trouble at all...well, almost no trouble.

I guess that any future shopping will be that way; a little at a time. I don't really want to shop that way as it will be extra trips and extra gas, but you do what you have to do in the best way possible.

A "friend" who had volunteered to come and sort things out and help me get rid of stuff...didn't call back and never showed up. Friends..well, this is the second time "friend" has done this and it will be the last time, me thinks.


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