Sunday, March 15, 2009

just stuff

I didn't post a word yesterday because it was a busy day for me. I had someone come in and clean out the gutters and build shelves into my closet. Then I went out for supper and that was a disappointment. The Golden Corral was pretty crowded last night with people that wanted to have a meal out, but some dinners were rude and thoughtless, often letting their kids run wild. As I am now using a cane for balance, I just can't handle the shoving, running, weaving, and generally trying to get to the feed trough first. Not everyone is to be generalized as non-graced, good mannered customers because many are wonderful in behavior and acumen, but enough are make me think twice about going back. One older man was paying not enough attention to where he was walking and talking to people as he made his way about the buffet' and tripped over my cane,which was well out of the way. It hurt him and he did apologize to me and that made me sad, for in his case he just didn't mean it. However, it is like driving; you have to watch were your going.

I ate the last of my Dandelion greens today, wilted over a burger and onions. Pretty good. The nice thing about wild greens is that you won't need a harsh laxative and your internal, intestinal combustion machine will work just fine. No MOM needed!
So, sometime tomorrow I will go out in the yard and find some more Dandelions. The French raise Dandelion greens as a commercial salad food and there are several ways to cook them or just use them in a mixed salad.

The weather is getting a bit warmer; it is supposed to be in the fifties and sixties this week with some rain on occasion. I am still going to therapy so I hope is rains between trips. My Pear tree is budding and so is the Plum tree. Love Plums! As soon as they blossom I will need to get someone to spray them this year. Love Pears, too!

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