Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Nuttin' much

It's about 70 degrees outside here in Western Ky. I opened the doors and some screens and let the sun pour in.

Last night I had a craving for starch so I made a pot of spaghetti. I cheated and used sauce from a jar. Not as good as my Mother used to make, but I got my fill of starches.

For some reason I was very tired this morning and went back to bed and slept for 2 more hrs. It was probably caused by the spaghetti I ate last night. The body reacts to different foods in different ways. I still have a half pot of spaghetti to eat, but I will "stretch" it out and not eat so much at one meal.

I am trying to think of how I can have a garden this year. Maybe some tomatoes in pots on the back porch. Maybe a few beans and onions as well. I wonder if I can manage some potatoes in a pot. Well, I will think about it.

Last fall I was sure I would have a few chickens in the backyard and had someone lined up to build a small chicken coop. I had ducks a few years ago and enjoyed the fresh duck eggs. I had enough to give away at work. Plans can change pretty fast.

I need to replace the control knob on my washer. I called around to various repair shops, but they want $50.00 just to walk in the door and get the model no. They may think their time is valuable, but i don't' think it's THAT valuable. I found the original manual that came with the machine so maybe I can order it myself. It is what ails the country: people want a lot for a little work or time. It isn't enough that they are getting a repair job, but they want even more. Which is why the live in better homes that I do.

Does anyone out in there in either land know how to set up a feed burner?


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