Friday, March 20, 2009

"Let them eat cake"

Obama told Americans he was the candidate of "change." He is defiantly changing the face of the nation and embracing socialism for this country.

Nations change and society crumble. The damage usually comes from within from theft, corruption, the grasp for power, poorly executed wars and government policies.

We are hearing it on the news and seeing it on the street and in the homes. Family values fade, churches and teachings of value are scorned as we "Cling to our guns and religion."

When there is no news the media creates news and feeds it to us on a silver spoon. We swallow it with some scare tactics, a little salt and pepper and for dessert, "The sky is falling..the Sky is falling." We have a Henny Penny President and he is either leading or perhaps being steered by a Robin Hood Congress. "Rob from the rich and give to the Poor"..oops, I got that wrong: Rob everybody. Share the wealth or the now elite "Servants of The People." And they would be the elected by

Ahh, Grim's Fairy Tales; Read them and com template. We are the stars in Oboma's little book of getting lost in the woods.

I think I should stop watching the news, listening to the radio and checking the stock market. Maybe I will just eat hearty, get fat and play on the computer. That makes as much sense as trusting our present mis-leaders and a whole lot more satisfying. Czke anyone?


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