Sunday, March 1, 2009


I wanted something soft,flavorful, yuummy and easy to make. I got a box of pre-mix Cinnomen Sweurl Qucick bread to fix. When I opened the box I thougt the mix didn't look right, that something was missing. Well, I had already started with the eggs, oil and water so I decided to finish it up and bake it. It didn't turn out like quick bread: more like an egg suffle'. It didn't taste bad so I decied to cunsume it. I am a person that doesent like to waste so I didn't.

Occ. I do have to toss out food. After I got home from my fractured elbow escapade I did have to get rid of some foods that went bad in the 'fridge. We Americans waste and toss out more food than many nations can produce. I think that we will be sorry for it in the not too-distent future.

I think we are alredy in a depression and I am sad that I can not put in a garden this year unless someone decides to make me some raise beds. I can wish and look at the seed catoluges and wish some more.

BTW, I think the mix was very short on flour!!

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