Wednesday, April 30, 2014


Work and love go together like two peas in a pod.  They are both "four letter words."  They are symbiotic.  They pair nicely.  Hate is another "four letter word."  It does not belong.  It  is a parasite word/emotion that feeds off jealousy of spirit, lust for that which is not earned or freely given  We all have a little of "the green eyed monster" within us.  It is evil, lurking in the souls of the best of us.  Admit it.  We have all had an attack of this "super bug" of spiritual bacteria at some time or another, perhaps frequently.  Umm, don't say you haven't 'cause like me, your only human.

Work in itself, is not necessarily a virtue.  Many work to live or live to work. Circumstances vary around the world through culture, ethics, governments, economics or other fluctuations in life.

When you pair work with love it becomes a virtue for you are then doing God's work.  You are now doing an activity for someone or many of God's people. Your work is no longer in the "survival of the fittest" mode, but survival of all of us through pairing and making it an offering of love.

When and if you and I are able to  live under the umbrella of work and love...there is no room for that other "four letter word;" hate.  It is squeezed out and becomes impotent in our hearts.  I could "hate" a lot of people and circumstances, but I choose not to.  It is a non-productive emotion that saps the soul and spirit.  I have enough to think about  and do without the soul sucking effects of negativity that rides shotgun in the front seat.

I am not perfect.  I am subject to the zapper sapper of my inner peace with God occasionally.  I do try to rise above it and pray myself out of it because hate will not make me a better person, healthier, better looking, younger or put more food on my plate.  Haters wear many hats and sometimes you can not tell the differences between the four letter words, but only by the fruits of the tree.  I pray that your tree and mine are fruitful.  Just don't take a big "bite from the apple."

Just something extra.  The price of food, esp. meat and fresh vegetables, continue to rise.  Those on fixed incomes or are drawing low wages are really aware of this.  So, with that thought in mind, I think eggs will become the new meat/protein.  Where I live I can still buy eggs for .85 cents a dozen with a limit of five dozen.  I can get milk for $1.45 per gallon.  These are good sources of protein, minerals and vitamins.  While these are price leader to draw you into the store to shop...I go in and get what I need and then I am done. There are many ways to cook eggs and to serve them.  The simplest way is to fry your eggs and drink your milk!  Not everyone likes the same thing over and over.  So I am adding this recipe just for the anyone who is interested.


2 eggs broken in to bowl
add two or more
teaspoons of milk
add 1 teaspoon of flour
add salt and pepper to taste
whisk well
pour into hot oil or buttery pan
...not too hot!
The fluffy eggs should
cook up quickly...
like an omelet.
Turn burner off as egg
start to cook around the edges
and a slight bubble in the center.
The heat of the pan
will cook the eggs the
rest of the way.

So easy even I can do it!


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lent Went

Lent is over and it wore me out.  Perhaps I tried to do to much.  In the last three days of Lent I did very little.  It was as if I just shut down and l did not do well in vocal or written prayers.  I also lost my little prayer book.  That didn't help my frame of mind when it comes to spiritual. Yes, I can pray without that little book in my hand, but I have had that little prayer book for a long time and miss having it at hand.

I didn't totally fail myself.  I did make it to all the Holy Hours that were offered in conjunction with the Masses. I attended all the Masses of obligation, but the last three days were pretty much days of a spiritual washout.  While I feel bad about doing less instead of more for Holy Thursday and Good Friday, I am trying to keep in mind that even God, after creating the world, needed a day of rest.  I needed two, but the Lord knew of my intentions.  Good intentions don't always cut it, but my God is a loving, forgiving God.  Stumbling and dragging one's cross a bit is a human trait and I am not immune to weakness,  but pray that I may become a little stronger each day.

Now, with my confession of lack of fortitude aside, I wish to tell everyone that the weather is beautiful and was for Easter Sunday as well.  I am thinking of putting out a small garden; at the least a few tomato plants and maybe some lettuce.  I can not garden as I used to. Old age is invading my garden plot and I am "going to seed"  as well as to weeds.  Yes, I am getting older and I feel it.

This is a development as to why I was so tired during the last week of Lent.  I had a couple of new medications and a couple of medication changes.  Guess what the adverse reactions are...being very tired, headaches, fatigue, upset stomach, edema in feet...and the list goes on.  I am slowly getting adjusted to the new medication and changes.  These are "must have" medications.  I can't get by without them.

As I start getting some "gitty up go back" I am tackling the yard.  It got out of hand last summer and fall as I was having to go to the Doctor weekly for visual problems.  I have had five Lazar treatments on my eyes; two on the left and three on the right.  Now I can see all the work and cleaning that needs to be done!  I don't need to go back to the Dr. until July.

And that is pretty much it for this week.  Lots to do and hopefully I get it done.


Friday, April 4, 2014


Three sinners were each given a cross to bare.  They began their walk in the footsteps of Jesus.  The crosses were heavy, uncomfortable and the way was long and weary.  They plodded on.

Finally one sinner said, "Lord, this cross is to heavy.  Can you not cut off a small portion at the base and make it lighter for me to carry?"  And the Lord complied and removed a small portion of the cross and the three sinners walked on, carrying their crosses.

The crosses were burdensome and the way was difficult.  Again the one sinner cried out to the Lord.  "Why have you given me such a load to bear?  Can you not remove another small portion of this cross that I bear, that it be lighter?"  Again the Lord heard the voice of the sinner and answered his plea by removing another section of the cross.  The three sinners plodded on dragging their crosses.  The first sinner was not content with his lighter cross and soon called upon the Lord again, to remove another portion of the wooden beam.  The Lord heard his request and again complied.

The second sinner saw that the first sinner had a lighter cross to bear and thinking that it was a good idea to appeal to the mercy of the Lord, cried out, "What about me Lord?  My cross is heavy, too.  Can you not show me the same regard and lighten the load that I carry?"  The Lord answered the second sinner's request and took away part of his load and made the cross less burdensome.  The three sinners plodded on. 

The third sinner continued to carry his load without complaint or recourse, accepting the weight and discomfort he bore,even though his wooden tree was now heavier than that of the other two.  He plodded on and followed the two sinners walking before him.

Soon the two sinners came to a deep ravine and tried to lay their crosses across the deep defile in order to travass to the other side.  Their crosses were too short and would not span the ravine.  They could not cross.

  The third sinner came to the ravine dragging his cross, so heavy and burdensome.  He had not asked the Lord to lighten his load, but chose to bear it without recourse or complaints.  Laying his burden across the ravine and using his cross as a bridge, he was able to attain the other  side.

Do we feel at times that our crosses are way too heavy to carry and shout out, "Why me, Lord...why me?"  Of course we do.  Job did, too, in The Old Testament.  Yet, he kept praying just as we need to do.  No one ever said this life, which is a gift, could not also be taken away.  We continue on, hopefully picking up our own crosses to carry and lay over the abyss.  Is your cross to short to reach to the other side?  I ask this of myself every day and plod on.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014


This just about the middle of a long day so I am writing what I can, as I can, and hoping to finish it before I go to bed.  I have spent the better part of the day in my Dr's office trying  this insurance problem straightened out.  This has been an ongoing difficulty since Jan.  It isn't easy as the American Insurance system is broken.

We have had a couple of really nice days here, but the forecast is for heavy rains tomorrow and I plan to go to Father Dieg's funeral.  You know, we hear a whole lot about the priest that go rogue, but we seldom hear about the "good guys" and Father Dieg was a good guy; one of the best.

This evening there will be a mass at 6 P. M. and adoration   until 8 P. M.  I hope I don't fall asleep as I am already tired  I need to get up early in the morning.

All right; this is how it works.  When the last bell rings classes or over and school is out for the day and there is a mad dash for the doors, buses, cars or the streets home.  When Mass is over there is a mad dash for the doors, cars or home.  It doesn't matter that Father just put the Blessed Sacrament on the alter for adoration.  Some of stayed, Some left after just a short time, some stayed a little longer.  I stayed.  I looked around and I was the only one left.  I think Father was showing me a little mercy and removed the Blessed Sacrament about ten minutes early.

We are blessed that we can still go to church and have a chance to pray before the Blessed Sacrament, enjoy and profit from "Freedom of Religion."  Not everyone or every country practices their religion without some kind of repercussions.  We are far.  Take advantage of what each of us is offered and pray your own way, but don't lose the right to do so.  It is an evil creeping up on us.  

So...this day has passed and I need to rest because another long day  up on awaits me.  Thursday is creeping on ME!