Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Lent Went

Lent is over and it wore me out.  Perhaps I tried to do to much.  In the last three days of Lent I did very little.  It was as if I just shut down and l did not do well in vocal or written prayers.  I also lost my little prayer book.  That didn't help my frame of mind when it comes to spiritual. Yes, I can pray without that little book in my hand, but I have had that little prayer book for a long time and miss having it at hand.

I didn't totally fail myself.  I did make it to all the Holy Hours that were offered in conjunction with the Masses. I attended all the Masses of obligation, but the last three days were pretty much days of a spiritual washout.  While I feel bad about doing less instead of more for Holy Thursday and Good Friday, I am trying to keep in mind that even God, after creating the world, needed a day of rest.  I needed two, but the Lord knew of my intentions.  Good intentions don't always cut it, but my God is a loving, forgiving God.  Stumbling and dragging one's cross a bit is a human trait and I am not immune to weakness,  but pray that I may become a little stronger each day.

Now, with my confession of lack of fortitude aside, I wish to tell everyone that the weather is beautiful and was for Easter Sunday as well.  I am thinking of putting out a small garden; at the least a few tomato plants and maybe some lettuce.  I can not garden as I used to. Old age is invading my garden plot and I am "going to seed"  as well as to weeds.  Yes, I am getting older and I feel it.

This is a development as to why I was so tired during the last week of Lent.  I had a couple of new medications and a couple of medication changes.  Guess what the adverse reactions are...being very tired, headaches, fatigue, upset stomach, edema in feet...and the list goes on.  I am slowly getting adjusted to the new medication and changes.  These are "must have" medications.  I can't get by without them.

As I start getting some "gitty up go back" I am tackling the yard.  It got out of hand last summer and fall as I was having to go to the Doctor weekly for visual problems.  I have had five Lazar treatments on my eyes; two on the left and three on the right.  Now I can see all the work and cleaning that needs to be done!  I don't need to go back to the Dr. until July.

And that is pretty much it for this week.  Lots to do and hopefully I get it done.


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