Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cold feet...warm heart?

I can't say I have much to write about and I am pretty empty-headed.  I have literaly confined myself close to the furnace.  It did warm up a little this afternoon.  Most of the minute amt. of snow has either blown away or melted when the thermometer hit 32 degrees and the sun came out.  I am like the bear and want to hibernate until spring time.  It will be cold when I get up and cold when I go to mass.  As I said, I don't like cold.

Harry wants raisin bread.  I will make some more and send it to him, but not this week.  I have one thick slice left which I will demolish in the morning.  It will be part of my breakfast, along with coffee and a handful of medicine.  Yum.

Althougth I will not write much tonight I plan on posting something on inner divinity in a few days.  I have to let my mind work around on it and clarify my thoughts on it.

So, I think I will go to bed early(before 12 mid-night)because I have to get up early in the a.m.  See you in church, right?  No? Too cold for you?  Aw.


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