Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Vans and tillers

FINALLY...the computer desk and hutch are finally in the house and set up. It isn't new, but it's new to me, and lots better than the old table I was using. When I get every thing restored and in order I will post a picture of it. That may take a few days.

It has poured rain all day and now there is a high wind warning up. I am sure it will head north east. Rain is OK, but the high winds for the next day can be a problem. And I have to be out in it tomorrow.

My trip to the eye doctor was good. Everything is stable and my eye pressure is good, also.

I continue to sneeze, but I am not sick, just allergic. If anyone were to hear me sneeze non-stop in public they might assume that I had piggy flue or a version of it. Nope, just a sensitive snout. Oink, oink.

There is just about 2 1/2 weeks left before Christmas. I hope everyone is in the spirit and there are no holiday vampires under the trees. Holiday Vampires suck the spirit and joy out of a room and anyone around the tree. Unlike in the movies, they are not entertaining or welcome.

Debbie, the friend that helped me out when I fractured my elbow, loaned her van to her son last night. No more van. He wrapped it around a street light. I guess it was not his fault, but how he comes out of these situations is a mystery to me. And expensive tribute to Mother hood for her. Nice van, gone van.Well, all things work out and she will get another van tomorrow, newer and better.

I found a supplier online where I may be able to get a carburetor for my Troy Tiller. I just have to wait a bit and save the money for it. Did I mention that when it came back from the "repair shop" last spring the carburetor was missing? It took 3 months to get...demand...the tiller to be returned, and when they finally brought it back they just left it out by the shed...and left. No carburetor. Had I noticed when it first came back there would have been H###l to pay. I just didn't go out to look and thought it was fixed...fixed it was. Yeah.

My arm is better than it was last year, far from perfect, but I think I can do a garden this spring. Give me back my garden arm, I say!!!


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