Danger, Will Roberson! The Government no longer works for you. It works for itself. It is in the process of self perpetuation and growing and growing into the "Jolly Green Giant" of taxation, regulation and anti-Constitutionalism.
First it was the slow digestion of ethics, morality, then insidious undermining of the rights guaranteed by the Constitution. The Government is greedy...amebic...paraseitic, feeding off the host bodies of it's citizens. Than came the orgy that we find American "Lawmakers" in, scarfing up financial food and letting the goodies run riot through the digestive tract and emitting feces out the other end-in your face, stupid, in your face.
Are you a Congressional Guardian, watching for the checks and balances that are rapidly eroding away? Are you a sentinel keeping watch through the night while the Controller of Congress push and pass edits(bills) in the dead of the night while you sleep? Remember the movie, "While You Were Sleeping" or "Sleeping in Seattle?" A lot of bad stuff can happen as you snore, bad dreams and "Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue.
((I started this post in the A. M. and intended to continue this afternoon. Upon watching Glenn Beck I decided that the show said it all, better than I can, could.))
Instead, I will again urge family and friends to stock up, add to your preparations, and save your change. If you have paper money use it now to pay off bills, buy the things you need, consider other modes of heat and power. Step it up...hop to it.
I have a kerosene heater so I will get kerosene. I have oil lamps so I will get more lamp oil. If you have a charcoal burner or barbecue, buy charcoal. If it is a gas bar-b-cue, then buy extra tanks, if you can afford to. Stock up on matches, lighters and warm cloths. 2010 may a year of wants and/or needs.
I just read a new report on food shortages for 2010 and later. I wish I could remember the link...if I find it again I will post it.
In this vein I am having my old Rambler worked on while I can. It needs new brakes all the way around, something I can't do. It is a standard shift and can be started with a push or a roll down an incline. It is a 6 cylinder flat head and very big inside and has a large trunk. You could sleep in the back seat if you had to. It looks like a tank, but I will have it ready "just in case."
You think crap only happens in the bathroom or in the outhouse in the back? Right now Americans have loose stools, but you know, you can poop yourself to death. WAKE UP STUPID, WAKE UP AMERICA, WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TP-TOILET PAPER! We are becoming the butt wipes of the NWO!!! You better be ready for what is coming!!!
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