Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I am "making a list and checking it twice."  It is time for me to "stock up."  I am coming off my money diet for a short while and prepare for a cold, bitter winter.

As I said a month ago...the wild geese flew south early, the spiders started coming about the same time as well as flies.  And as noted last week The Farmers Almanac says.. it might not be a pleasant winter season.

I have already started stocking up buy buying some essential such as bathroom tissue and paper towels, shampoo and a few odds and ends, but I do need to get serious about getting what I getting need into the house.  I will make a list and share it with  you.  Keep in mind that I am not  a prepper or a survivalist.

Coffee and Tea.
While I have somd stocked up already
I will get some more
Bathroom Tissue
I have 30 rolls of the cheap stuff
but will get more.
More detergent and fabric softener.
Dish detergent.
Paper plates.
Paper Towels
Tooth past
Mouth wash.
I have plenty of candles
if the power goes down.
I have lanterns as well
I need kerosene.
I will store a few gallons of H2O.
I won" finish this tonight because I am sick.
I will post it and  maybe add to it tomorrow or the next day.


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