Saturday, December 10, 2011

Short Post

This will be a short post because I have been and am, busy.  So, so, sewing.  I just cut the tail off a new blouse and made a straight hem at the bottom.  I don't like tails hanging out.  I also took in the pant legs of my dresser slacks.  I am short and the wide legs make me look even shorter.  Now the pants should look a little slimmer.

I got a hair cut this afternoon.  As usual, she cut it a little too short.  She also left abrasions on the back of my neck.  I think she has been taking too much medicine.  I know she is not a well person, but I won't be either if she  cuts a little closer.  Anyone with type O positive blood out there...just in case?

Tomorrow is the third week of Advent.  Light another candle to illuminate the way for the coming of the Christ child.  Next week you should light a rose colored candle, if you have one.
Now you should have three purple candles.  If you do not have them...don't is the intent that counts.
I took a little trip over to to E'town to take some of the little gifts over to the nursing home.  I still have some to wrap, but I have made a dent in it...progress is being made!

So, no graphics, no nothing and of course, no posting on a Sunday.  I got more things to do.
OOPS!  Now how did that slip in!  Bad Santa!!

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