Saturday, December 31, 2011

A little drive to a little church

These three pictures are from a small county church way out, just a blip off the highway.  The school and convent are gone now, torn down about ten years ago.  The church hasn't changed much, other than adding a Parish Hall next to
 it.  The older priest took me by surprise because he was a small man, not much bigger than me, and dressed in coveralls.  I thought he was the care taker.  I can not even say his name...Fr. Zed or something similar.  I thought I knew most of the priest around here...guess not.

Yesterday I got gas at $3.09 a gal.  Today it jumped to $3.29 per gal.  It was a nice day the the oil companies jumped the prices.

There you have it.  I enjoyed the drive.  I had forgotten how far out it was and how twisty the highway was.


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