In our modern culture, here in the "good ol' US of A," and across the earth, women are still often held with a
certain lowly attitude. And in some countries women are badly treated, abused or enslaved.
When the angel Gabriel came to Mary and announced that she would bear the King of Glory, women, most especially The Blessed Virgin, were elevated by the Creator. Elizabeth, too old to bear a child, was also given a gift of bearing a sacred soul. And by some accounts, Mary Magdalen, was an Apostle of Christ. It was she who washed the feet of the mature Christ with her hair and expensive oils. It was also she who discovered the empty tomb of Christ and was addressed by an angel, therein. There is more to be said about the status of women in the days of Christ. There are even proponents that some of the epistles were written by women. Doesn't all this point to a certain aspect that God, Himself, had a prevailing affinity with women, whom He also created? They too, (we)are His Own, and I have been told...That God doesn't make mistakes.
All points can be argued for and also against. I feel compelled to follow the teachings of the church. I am not exactly sure where the church stands on the subject: I'll have to look it up.
Fine post. I think will be enjoyable to everyone.Thanks.
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