Tonight I cooked a steak that was 45 % old shoe leather, 45% tire tread and 10 % gristle...but it looked good in the package! What a rip-off that pretty looking steak was.
I didn't do much again this day. It was raining off and on, so I stayed in. I didn't even dress properly, but have spent the day in my sweat pants and top. I call them my "warmies" because they are comfortable.
What do you do first in the morning? Coffee or prayers? For me it is coffee, meds. and then prayers. How can I pray if I am not awake? LOL! ZZZ'z if I don't have my eye opener first!
I have been reading some writings by Bishop Fulton J Sheen. Do you know he is popular again...and that the church is gathering support to have him declared a saint? If you have ever heard any of his old radio programs or seen his old TV shows you will know why he is revered by US catholics and also catholics around the world. What a powerful speaker he was and is still relevant today. I also have some literature about Mother Therese of Calcutta. And she was and is now a saint. We don't see or hear of many saints in these...our...modern times.
Anyway, the reading keeps me out of trouble and thoughtful, doesn't it? And as my big sister Beverly can tell you, my sister Betsy and I were always finding and getting into trouble when we were kids. Ah, to be a kid again...well, maybe not.
I need to go to the store tomorrow. I am really out of milk now and I need some for the coffee that pries open my eyes in the morning. I hope it doesn't rain...I don't like black coffee.
Nope, not me. I don't look that bright eyed in the morning.
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