Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Bad Things Happen

What can I say.  Today a woman walked directly into an on coming train near my house.  She was 37 years old.  I think I have heard her name before on the news.  I am pretty sure she was from the drug rehab. center near my house.  Whatever the case, it was a tragedy and someone lost a family member.  I did say that you didn't need to be frightened by all the hype of 2012.  Anything can happen at any date and time.

So the day went.  I went out just to get out.  The day was cold, but pleasant.  Everyone had the same idea and I think half the city found its way to the Golden Corral.  I meant to take some stuff to the Salvation Army, but walked out of the house without it.  I also meant to get gas today, but due to all the alternative routes I had to take to get home...I forgot to stop.

Tomorrow I have to stay in between 12 and 4 in the afternoon and wait for the cable guys to come and check the signal.  I am thinking that someone might be stealing the signal or something because they have never done that before.  So...I wont' get much done tomorrow afternoon either.  People keep stealing my time!

OK, so I will go to bed "early" so that I can get up early and make up for the lost opportunity to get nothing accomplished.  Yes, I am very good at that!  I wonder if I can convert the concept of sloth-laziness-into a virtue or into a special grace...think the church would go for it?   Nah.

Well, I didn't eat dessert or have any sugary drinks and I only had a salad plate and a reg. main course.  It's interesting to watch others over-load their plates to the point that the food falls on the floor and then go back for more...."more please!"

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