Tuesday, December 13, 2011


OK.  All the little presents have been wrapped and transported to the nursing home.  I have a couple of things left over that I could also wrap, but you know how I don't like that part of Christmas.  The paper soon becomes torn to shreds because older people...just like kids...can't wait to see what is in the box or package.  And that is half the fun...and joy...finding out what you have or received.

Tomorrow will be "cook day" and let the cooking begin!  I have boiled 2 dozen eggs this eve. for deviled eggs.  I like to boil them slowly over low heat and then let them sit overnight to cool.  I find that there is less cracking that way and they are easier to peel. The older people love deviled eggs...and so do I.  They usually go over well and did at Thanksgiving, too. 

Tomorrow I will do Brownies and Peanut Butter cookies and a few other things.  There will be plenty of food and pizza, too.  I like pizza, too!

As I speak of all these presents and all the food for the residents, I do bear in mind all those that have little or nothing at all.  We don't know how blessed we are.  We take so much for granted.  Most of us don't know what true poverty is.  I could say that I do, but I won't.  I will say that most of us do not go to bed hungry, cold or naked.  However, that is not ever to say that there isn't such situations here in this...the richest country known on earth.  We have been in a decline for a while now and a lot of us may be in for that proverbial rude awakening.  Christ said that the poor are always with us...and they are.

MATT. 25: 35-37

For I was hungry and you gave me to eat;
I was thirsty and you gave me to drink;
I was a stranger and you took me in;
Naked and you covered me;
Sick and you visited me;
I was in prison and you came to me.

Interesting things we find in the Bible...yes?

You know, Jesus liked to have a good time and celebrate, too.  He went to a wedding in Cana and changed water into wine.  I can't do that, but I  can share what I have to some small extent.  I'll bet that you can, too, if only in and by prayer.  But then, prayer is a pretty big thing, isn't it.


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