Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Prayers of the Church

Sister came for a few minutes.
Here is a picture of some of the little ones that came to the party.  Best behaved kids that I have seen in a long time.

There is a web page for anyone to go to if they want to pray the prayers of the Church.  Christians are exhorted to pray without ceasing.  Many Protestant and Baptist Churches follow these prayers.  The prayers are hinged mostly on the Psalms of the Bible and the readings of the saints, Matt., Mark, Luke and John, as well as from the Epistles.  Should anyone decide to follow the Liturgy of The Hours, they would be praying with Christians around the world.  You can follow the Liturgy of the Hours by going to Divine Office. org.

The Divine Office is set up so that anyone can follow the text and have the audio to listen to and follow at the same time.  The Divine Office is the Prayer of the Church and what better time is there than to get involved in these sacred Christian prayers than now...during Advent.?

OK.  I did get out to the store and got milk for my coffee.  I am so spoiled!  I didn't get much else unless you count 12 rolls of TP...gotta have that, you know!  It was cold and a little windy while I was out, so I didn't waste any time getting back home and by the fireside bright.

When I was out gas was $2.99 a gal.  When I came back gas had shot up to about $3.28 per gal.  I should have got gas... while I could gotten it cheaper...dumb me.

I will tell everyone ahead of time that I will be out most of Christmas eve.  I don't think I will get home before 1-1:30 a. m.  I will got to midnight Mass.  That means that I will not post on Saturday.  I will repeat this on Friday so that no one will look for this post.  Most Americans will never miss it as most of my readers come various foreign countries.

I want to add this:  I try to "practice what I preach."  I wish I were a better person and I will strive to become a better Christian in the coming new year.  No, I don't make New Year resolutions.  Most people don't keep their resolutions and I am no exception.  I will only say that I will "strive-try"
earnestly.  We can all do better and so can I.

Just for fun.


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