Friday, December 23, 2011

No Post on Christmas Eve.

I stayed up and into the wee hours watching the five part life of Christ movie.  It was a pretty good version; better than most and worth watching.  Yes, I did sleep late

Tomorrow I will be out from around 6 p.m. until about 1-1:30 a.m.  I will not be posting on Christmas eve. at all.  As it will be a busy, full evening, no one will miss this little post.

I was out for a short time this afternoon.  It was a chilly, dreary, half-wet, overcast day.  When I got home I turned the heat up even though the temperatures were in the low forties.  The dampness was a bit penetrating.  We have broken some kind of record with over 70 inches of rain

I did a little cooking this evening so that I won't need to cook tomorrow.  It will be a heat and eat kind of day.  So, I have enough for a day or so without messing around the kitchen.

I have been trying to decide what to wear to mid-night mass tomorrow night.  I have some nice cloths-they just don't fit me anymore.  I may have lost a few pounds, but a few more pounds need to be shed.  Again, there isn't much to write about so I will close this post for now...until Monday.

Today I watched the kids cartoon version of St. Nick on EWTN.  I enjoyed that too as I am just a kid at heart.


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