Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I just got home from Mass and Holy Hour. It was really a cold evening and less and less people are showing up.  I think at the end of the Holy Hour there were just three of us left again.  It must be annoying to Father to go through the ritual and prayers of the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament only to have almost everyone leave or trickle on out the door.  So it becomes the "old folks" and maybe one young person to carry on the tradition of adoration.  Do you know that the on Holy Sacrament is never supposed to be left alone the alter?  At least that is what I was taught.

I had to go to the bank this afternoon to cash a small check.  I asked the teller to give me back an envelope full of sunshine. Instead she gave me back strange look.  And I  even had my own envelope!  No humor at all!

While I was before The Blessed Sacrament for an hour and a half I had time to say/pray the rosary, all my evening prayers and give my attention to adoration.  Now I just need to go to bed early...or earlier.



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