The Church wants and exhorts us to pray unceasingly. To that end I wonder if there is an "unending"...never ending... in the NEVER ENDING STORY. It is a child's story that is only limited to the reader's imagination. If we could be like the children and let our prayers flow what a different world we would be living in...a world where the lamb would lie down with the lion. We are God's children, but you would never know it by how we talk to our Father.
How is your imagination? Can you imagine that God loves all His creation? It is a difficult mind set, to be sure. It is a "story" of faith that needs to be tended in our spiritual gardens, nourished, weeded and pruned for new growth. Sometimes we need a wicked pair of pruning shears and cut out all the dead branches so the the roses can
flourish and blossom. It takes a little imagination and a sharp blade for spiritual surgery. And that is what Lent is about. It is a time to reflect, repent and remove as much unproductive leaves and debre' as we can. It is a time to plant the "new you" and become a strong tree standing against the wind. Can you do it? Can I do it? Yes, we can... if we want to love the Lord bask in His He so desire us to do.
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