Monday, March 25, 2013


It's cold.  It is wet.  Mother Nature is spitting ice pellets.  It is also windy which makes it colder.  I don't like it, but at least we didn't get much snow whereas other places did.  I am staying in as much as I can.

A mouse got into my "go bag."  In case you don't know what a "go bag" is, it a bag that I keep on hand for any emergency, such as bad weather, no heat, no electricity, no water or a car break-down.  I can't say that I am a real "prepper" or even a "survivalist."  I am just a person who likes to be prepared for whatever Mother Nature may send my way.

Anyway, the mouse got into the chocolate envelopes...nothing else.  I don't know how the mouse got into the bag as it was zipped up.  I couldn't find any holes in the leather or any damage to the bag...just the chocolate pouches were chomped on.  I will replace the packets as soon as I clean out the bag.  Naughty little mouse.  I am sending the mouse to your house!  Actually, I think it went to Micky Mouse Heaven on Celestial Street..

These are the last few days of Lent.  I will be glad when it is over because I think I tried to tackle too many resolutions.  I did not give up, but I am tired.  Lent isn't like making a New Year's Resolution.  You just don't stop because you took on too much...or I don't believe you should.  And it may be that we will close out the Lenten Season with some better weather.  I am sure that a lot of people hope so.


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