Friday, March 1, 2013


Friday has been a quiet day other than going to mass and then staying for the Stations of the Cross.  In my little book there are 14 Stations, but in the new book used after mass there are 15 stations.  That's OK by me as long as I don't have to sing.  Apparently the verses that were sung between the stations have fallen out of favor or just eliminated.  I did enjoy the verses that were part of the way of the cross of the past.

I am trying to fix the ceiling in my bedroom.  Five of the tiles have come down and a few more look suspicious.  Well, I got two of them up and in place, but they are hanging by a whisper.  I need to figure out how to anchor them.  The accepted procedure will not work.  That is why they came down in the first place...not well done.

What we do in life has ever lasting consequences.  A job well done will last.  A poor job will come down and smack you in the head.  So it is in prayer.  Well said, well intended, earnest, open, honest prayer is pleasing to our Lord.  The pleasure of the Lord is in that we take the time and make the effort to give Him adoration.  All prayers are different as we, His children are.  There is no perfect way to pray unless you pray as Jesus taught us to praying the "Our Father."  If you can offer nothing else, try to pray the one prayer that Jesus himself instituted in the gospel.  It is a "working prayer."


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