Friday, September 19, 2014


I already know that this post will have to be written in sections or as I get time.

I am trying to play catch up.  There are so many things to do that didn't get done this summer .  Today I mowed most of the yard.  The yard man shows up when he decides to show up, and lately he has not been doing a very great job, especially  in the backyard where he may think I am not able to see the results of his work.  So, that is what I have been doing today even 'though it bothers my arm and shoulder quite a bit.  It must be done.  At least in my eyes the yard really looks sad.  I need to super trim  as it has been somewhat neglected all around the fence line.  I think that I will always have residual pain in my arm and shoulder.  I will just have to bite the bullet and offer up any discomfort that I may have and get the job done.

Tomorrow, Thursday, I will try to get some more done in the back yard and hopefully it will look a lot better.  I also need to start on the inside of the house.  There are things I know I can't do, so I guess I will need to hire someone to come in and help.  The problem of having outside help is that everyone wants to be paid well, but may not be really committed to do the work.  The lady that was helping out wanted to leave after three hours and go to her other job in the school system. is a DIY-do it your self situation or it does not get done.

Well, it is Friday already.  I worked in the yard and finished mowing.  Now it is done.  I did a little hand trimming until my arm gave out.  Today it is a stiff as aboard.  I can't carry the big trimmer yet, but I will.  I still have a lot of trimming to do and I will get it done; hopefully before it gets too cold.

I continue to "stock up" a little at a time.  I can't yet carry very heavy groceries yet, but I am working on that, too.  I expect cold, wind and snow and I won't want to go out to shop.  Last year I fell down the icy steps and that didn't feel good.  I urge everyone to stock up even if it is just a few extra cans of food at a time.


It is interesting that when we pray, often we are asking-beseeching-God to hear our prayers or please do this or please do that and I will do that in return or  if you "answer my prayers I will do such and know the rest.  We are always trying to make deals with God, according to our wants or what we perceive as needs.  While there is nothing at all wrong with storming heaven with our earthly cares or daily petitions, as long as it isn't about me, me, me.  Just keep in mind that all God requires of most of us our adoration and true love. There was never a guarantee that life would be just as we want it to be or that all our temporal cares would be taken care of .  God loves us and wishes to be worshiped by us, for we are His children-His creation. If we can do a "Love In," all things will fall into place even if we do not realize or recognize the action/responses of the Lord.

111-One Lord