This day started out with a bang...this morning as I poured freshly brewed coffee into my cup, the cup literley exploded. Good thing I was wearing my "warmies," fleece shirt, pants and socks or I would have been badly scallded. As it was the top of my foot was slightly burned and I did a little dance. I was so surprised that I didn't even yelp. I never had that happen before.
The bottom of the cup blew out leaving a perfect round ring. I guess I could use it for a Chrismas decoration. Very interesting way to start the day.
It has rained all day and has been very chilly and gloomy. Not a day for shopping so I didn't 'though I had intended to. Intended to get lots done, but didn't do that either. I need to go to the store 'cause I am digging into my "hoard" of stocked up food.
The gove.says to stock up so I have..or tried to. Need to try harder and do a better job at it because the way I eat I would run out of food in about 4 days if we had a storm or anything.
Tommorow the sun is supposed to shine a little so maybe I will shine, too. meb
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