Saturday, November 8, 2008


I know it's time to winterize the house and get ready for what may come. I haven't done it yet. Lack of ambition on my part. I need to cover the window air conditioners because wasps are finding sanctuary in the kitchen. I need to repair the door threshold because the crickets are dancing in under the door and singing their songs at night. I haven't done any of that yet. I have a big roll of plastic just waiting to do what it is supposed to do..but my ambition is on vacation. I haven't even turned the heat on yet.

Maybe it's because I am getting older, my bones creak and joints ach..maybe. Or maybe I am just think?

This coming week is supposed to be pretty chilly and rainy, so I'd better get on the ball. I read other blogs and wonder how thoses people get so much done in the space fo a day. I guess I just sit and read too many blogs.

I pulled everything out of a closet in hopes of putting up shelves and turning it into a pantry. Now I have all this stuff in the middle of the floor and no shelves..yet.

But I'm gonna. I am gonna get all these things done. Yes..stay tuned. MEB

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