Sunday, October 5, 2008


I recently bought a bread maker at The Goodwill Store for $5 bucks. I always wanted one and now I have one. I put it to use and it works well. When your making your own without a loan you know what goes in it. There are no hormones, chemicals, preseratives, insects or "droppings." It taste better and is better for you. None of that glue ball stuff that sticks to the roof of your mouth.

I use a big meat slicer to slice the bread when it is cool. I make sure the meat slicer is very clean and sanitary. Adjust the blade to about the width of a store bought slice of bread. It looks just like store bought bread when your done. If you make more than 1 loaf wrap it and freez it as there are no preservitives in it.

Take a deep breath and smell the bread baking. Snif, Snif, smells good doesn'it? MEB

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