"I'm working at it." In other words I am doing this post In parts and pieces, as I do other things. I just came in from mowing the front yard. Before I did that I had to go get gas for the mower and was happy that gas was $3.16 per gal. When I got home I set the lawn mower up to three inches as everything is so dry: I didn't want to scalp the yard. It was only 88 degrees today so I got some outside work done. Tomorrow it is supposed to be ...97 degrees. I don't do that kind of intensive work on a Sunday, however if my donkey fell into a ditch I might brave the heat and try to rescue my donkey. What, you say! You didn't know I had a donkey? Yup, we ALL have donkeys. Read about your donkey in
the gospels as there are a number of referances to them.
This IS later 'gator. The temperature made it up to 92 degrees late this afternoon and is now slaking off to 84 as eve. sneaks in behind the setting sun. Feels better, for now! But just wait...tomorrow we get a foretaste of HE double LL, if it hits the 97 mark.
I had a very big steak for supper; as big as my large plate. Yes, I ate it all. Working outside gives a person a hearty appetite. I was craving the high protein.
There isn't anything on TV so I have been reading a lot. I guess I have read about five novels thus far. I can get lost in a good book. The following comes from a "good book," too.
John 12: 15
Now, that sounds like fun. Imagine trying to sit on the young offspring of an ass-donkey. That would be the "colt." Only Jesus would or could make a young ass behave. Think about making YOUR own offspring behave or do what you think is best! Why Jesus chose a young colt-ass, to carry him through the streets of Jerusalem is another mystery, but an interesting one because He could have chosen almost any other type of transportation of His time and culture. I am sure there are all kinds of theories written, mulled over and argued about, but my little mind thinks He chose a humble, yet unforgettable way to make an entrance into Jerusalem. What do think? Got an opinion? Oh, sure you do. EVERYBODY has an opinion!
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