Wednesday, September 25, 2013

I needed

OK, I am trying to pick up where I left off in my efforts to "stock up" for winter.  I hate going out to shop when the weather is cold, windy, icy or just plain nasty.  Therefor, I try to get ahead of Old Man Winter.  In my stocking up endeavors I can only buy so much due to lack of big bucks$$.

I did get two jars of Instant Coffee to add to the two that I got last month.  I bought three boxes of Instant Chicken Noodle Soup, extra Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, bread for a buck and a couple of comfort foods that will not last long enough to say that I added them to the pantry.  The biggest items on the "list" were two new tires for the van.  I got two new tires last fall for the back and have been trying to save up for the other two on the front.  It took a while, but I finally took the plunge for the last two tires.  I didn't want to go into debt for them.

I thought I was done with driving back and forth to the Eye Doctors, but the pressure is up again in both eyes so I go again for the fourth time in a week.  It sure burns up the gas and wears me out as well.  Well, it must be done so I will do it, but darn it anyway.

I have a broken window that needs repairing.  I don't know how to get the window out so I will need to call someone...more $$.  It must be done before it gets cold.  I got a used freezer to replace the one that died.  When they brought it in they drove a corner of the freezer right into the window.  They said they would come back and fix it three months ago.  Well, that didn't happen and I was pretty sure that it would not get done per their attitude.

"Do unto others as you would do unto them."  That says a lot.  In other words we are not supposed to take advantage, mistreat, or take from others, but to "Love our neighbors as we love ourselves."  If we don't have respect for others they will not take care in their dealings with us or anyone else.  This is very true in our material, socialistic society.  "You reap what you sow."  Mostly I get taken advantage of especially when it comes to money or transactions.  I am aware of when I am snookered and generally let it go with the concept of what goes around, comes around, but they will not get my business or a good reference in the future.

I have been reading the Vatican  Two Documents and always find interesting tidbits to fill my brain.  However in looking through the prayers in my old Missal I found a section about confession.  I always  thought that one had to go to confession once a week or once a month or at least once a year, but that isn't so.  You are required to go to confession if you have committed a mortal or grave sin.  If you have committed venial sins, and we all do, we are encouraged to go to confession for our own edification in our spiritual life.  If we do not go to confession or need to, for mortal or grave sins, we should be contrite for all the little boo boos that we do.  I learn something every day.

So here is where I will stop, make a cup of tea and soon go to bed.


Thursday, September 19, 2013

Sometimes life moves faster than I do

PSALM 34:13

It's Wednesday again.  You thought I would forget...didn't you?  Well, I didn' there!  Even so, it has been a busy week and a busy day.

Today I had my 4th. Lazar treatment.  I hope this the last one...and pray that it is.  I am tired of running back and fourth.  It is time consuming and costly.  A rich person I am not.

I am just about over my cold or allergy, or whatever it was.  It looks like Father has it now.  No, I didn't pass it on.  I forewent  receiving the Precious Blood in the chalice just so I wouldn't give it to someone else.  Today Father could hardly be heard during Mass and had a glass of water on the back alter.

Last night I thought my refrigerator had died and was busy transferring everything form the freezer compartment to the regular midnight.  Today, as I was checking the 'frig over I discovered that the plug was very slightly lose. It was so slight that you could not tell by just looking at it.  I gave the plug a little push and the thing started working.  I guess I must have brushed up against the plug while I was cleaning.  A lot of work at midnight, but I didn't want to lose everything in the 'frig as it had already started to thaw out.  Saved!  What can I really could not tell that the plug was slightly out of the receptacle.

As I really have not had a whole lot of time to put much thought into this post....this pretty much all you get.


Thursday, September 12, 2013


At midnight last night I remembered that I forgot to post and then I forgot that I remembered.  So this is another day.  I was pretty busy yesterday and some of it was "hurry up and wait" which could not be helped.  I am not sure how my "new post day" is going to work.  It may turn into a "random" day of postings-such as when I can or when I remember-certainly not at midnight.  Nope...not gonna.

OK, I am staring to get over myself.  I went from a very sore throat, to a bad sinus infection, into Bronchitis...with all the accompanying fever, aches and chills.  I still have the Bronchitis and wheezing, but the other symptoms are just about gone.  It seems like everyone I know has it and are busy passing it on.  I received communion, but skipped the Precious Blood in the Chalice.  I will do this for the next several days as I don't want to pass on whatever is being passed on.

I am trying to work up the courage to go out to a couple places and get a few things accomplished...other than getting up and breathing and annoying myself with coughing, rasping,  and blowing my nose.  I am afraid that I may blow my brains out my nasal nares!  The main reason that I need courage to "go out" is because it is hot...90's...and very humid, dry and dusty.  Summer finally arrived-in September!

I did get some things done yesterday and again this morning, with a lot more that needs to be done.  I added another 24 rolls of bathroom tissue to my stock.  One can't have too much TP! Not a lot as I have no place to store them.  I think I want to add a little meat in the freezer.  Again...not a lot as meat is expensive and my money trees is shedding it's leaves and blowing off into the neither lands.  I will post what I stock up as I go along.

Anyway, that is just about all I know...which isn't much.


Friday, September 6, 2013

Semi-sick and Piffle Dust

Just to let you know:  I have been in bed for a couple of days with "something," a fever, aching joints, a headache, and a sinus infection.  I missed mass on Wed. and Thursday, but did make it today for First Friday.  I don't get sick very often, but when I do I like to do it up in grand style.  Needless to say...I did not get back to my post or finish my "list."

With that in mind I will add extra Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, and cough medicine to have on hand if there is severe weather on the horizon.

Already there are Elven Folk rustling within the trees, the leaves are turning and scampering to the ground to fly away on the breath of gnomes and other fairy creatures, to hide along the fences and weeds beside my house..  Hide they may, while they can, before The Wicked Witch of the North comes  along to cover them with Piffle Dust.

See...I am feeling better already with just a touch of mild insanity/imagination!!


Wednesday, September 4, 2013


I am "making a list and checking it twice."  It is time for me to "stock up."  I am coming off my money diet for a short while and prepare for a cold, bitter winter.

As I said a month ago...the wild geese flew south early, the spiders started coming about the same time as well as flies.  And as noted last week The Farmers Almanac says.. it might not be a pleasant winter season.

I have already started stocking up buy buying some essential such as bathroom tissue and paper towels, shampoo and a few odds and ends, but I do need to get serious about getting what I getting need into the house.  I will make a list and share it with  you.  Keep in mind that I am not  a prepper or a survivalist.

Coffee and Tea.
While I have somd stocked up already
I will get some more
Bathroom Tissue
I have 30 rolls of the cheap stuff
but will get more.
More detergent and fabric softener.
Dish detergent.
Paper plates.
Paper Towels
Tooth past
Mouth wash.
I have plenty of candles
if the power goes down.
I have lanterns as well
I need kerosene.
I will store a few gallons of H2O.
I won" finish this tonight because I am sick.
I will post it and  maybe add to it tomorrow or the next day.