I did get two jars of Instant Coffee to add to the two that I got last month. I bought three boxes of Instant Chicken Noodle Soup, extra Tylenol, Aspirin, Ibuprofen, bread for a buck and a couple of comfort foods that will not last long enough to say that I added them to the pantry. The biggest items on the "list" were two new tires for the van. I got two new tires last fall for the back and have been trying to save up for the other two on the front. It took a while, but I finally took the plunge for the last two tires. I didn't want to go into debt for them.
I thought I was done with driving back and forth to the Eye Doctors, but the pressure is up again in both eyes so I go again for the fourth time in a week. It sure burns up the gas and wears me out as well. Well, it must be done so I will do it, but darn it anyway.
I have a broken window that needs repairing. I don't know how to get the window out so I will need to call someone...more $$. It must be done before it gets cold. I got a used freezer to replace the one that died. When they brought it in they drove a corner of the freezer right into the window. They said they would come back and fix it three months ago. Well, that didn't happen and I was pretty sure that it would not get done per their attitude.
"Do unto others as you would do unto them." That says a lot. In other words we are not supposed to take advantage, mistreat, or take from others, but to "Love our neighbors as we love ourselves." If we don't have respect for others they will not take care in their dealings with us or anyone else. This is very true in our material, socialistic society. "You reap what you sow." Mostly I get taken advantage of especially when it comes to money or transactions. I am aware of when I am snookered and generally let it go with the concept of what goes around, comes around, but they will not get my business or a good reference in the future.
I have been reading the Vatican Two Documents and always find interesting tidbits to fill my brain. However in looking through the prayers in my old Missal I found a section about confession. I always thought that one had to go to confession once a week or once a month or at least once a year, but that isn't so. You are required to go to confession if you have committed a mortal or grave sin. If you have committed venial sins, and we all do, we are encouraged to go to confession for our own edification in our spiritual life. If we do not go to confession or need to, for mortal or grave sins, we should be contrite for all the little boo boos that we do. I learn something every day.
So here is where I will stop, make a cup of tea and soon go to bed.