We all dream even if we can not remember our dreams. I usually don't. We must dream; we were made to dream.
For me to define a dream, I see it as our deep aspirations, inspirations, defining moments, when we are in a deep sleep. Sleep Doctors will have all kinds of explanations, theories and scientific terms for dreams. I am sure that for the most part they may be right. However, I tend to believe that many dreams come from a higher or spiritual level. We generally think that dreams are just a kind of neural synapse of random firings of past, present or anticipated events. Maybe so, for the most part. Maybe not so random.
I also believe that dreams can often be healing and reparational, can and do take us to a higher elevation of conciseness in our daily lives. I think day dreams are productive as well, as long as we control and direct them. After all, we can't day dream all our time away, have our brains on stall or idle. Might be fun for a bit, but then it is time to get busy and make our mental meanderings fruitful.
I think that our dreams can take us to our creator in a unique way. I don't understand it, but we have all experienced it in some way, at one time or another, and that we should listen to our dreams to the best of our ability.
Yes, we can control and direct our dreams to a certain degree by what we read, see, hear or think before going to sleep at night. Hopefully, most of us will want to control our dreams in positive ways. However, my dream of last night was a dream from "out of the blue" and I can't explain it: I won't try, but just accept it.
I have written this post as simply as I could. Not everything can be analyzed or explained. Feel free to comment or offer insights.
Just to add: It is cold and I don't like it. I am sure there are lots and lots of people that think the same way. I am ready for some spring-like weather or at least some "normal winter weather."
"never go to bed angry"