Thursday, January 2, 2014


O.K.  It is that time of the year when we all make resolutions that most of us will not keep; well not for long, anyway.  I have bee thinking of what I might "give up or do."  Well, I can't give up drinking, smoking, running around as I don't do that to start with.  What is left?  Nothing?  No, there is plenty that I can attempt to achieve in this year of 2014.  I say "attempt" because I know most of us...including me will stumble or fail at times, along the way as the new year progresses.  The operative word here might be "persist."  When I fail or become weak in my resolutions...then I need not quit, but to recognize that I am a frail individual and need to lean on the ONE who made us all.  You know, the BIG ONE that does not live high in the sky, but is in the soul and spirit of everyone of us.

I am making a list and checking it twice for the year of 2014.  You can decide if I have been naughty or nice...just don't be too hard on me!

  1. Become a more spiritual person.
  2. Become less judgmental, more humble.
  3. Become a more person of grace.
  4. Become a more "giving person."
  5. Become less lazy(oh, yes, that's me).
  6. Watch my diet.
  7. Stop eating out so often.
  8. Spend less time on the computer.
  9. Get rid of all unneeded items..
  10. Do the things that need to be done in a timely manner.
Today I have been going through old junk mail that has needed to be sorted through and gotten rid of.  It is a lot.  I have been putting it off.  Also, I am in the process of picking up things and putting the items in their proper places.  See, I told you I am lazy, but I have started my new year off right. 

I am staying in near the furnace.  I don't like cold, wind or snow.  Whatever happened to Global Warming?  Send me some.


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