We are predators...like it or not...we are predators. Think about it for just a minute. We are not omnivores. Omnivores have eyes located to the general side of their heads so that they can see what is coming and what is around them. Cows and most of the creations of the "The Animal Kingdom" have this trait; their eyes are situated more to the sides of their heads. We, of the human race, have the eyes of a predator. Our eyes are forward and straight ahead so that we can see prey we want to capture, run it down, kill and devour it. This can be done in so many ways, if not literally.
God did not create us to be general predators, but we are. He made Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden where they had all that they needed. He also gave them free will to make good or bad decisions. And they and we did ; did we ever! Along came the ssssss to encourage and disrupt the plan of God, who created us to love and adore Him. So, God tossed us out, evicted us from the Garden of Eden, for not paying the rent, thus we became "homeless people" to wander the face of the earth. To make a bad situation worse...Cain killed his brother Abel. Brotherly love of a predator with eyes up front and a jealous heart.
With free will we became the predators that we are. We have a tendency to prey and dominate the weaker or more docile of God's people. While this may not apply to all nations and people, even God's "Chosen People" have shown the weakness of being predators. Life goes on and so do wars.
You don't need a reservation for Hell: Check in anytime. Your will need to call ahead and reserve your suite in Paradise. The rooms are of premium value. Everyone wants one, but not everyone wants to y the price up front. Do you have a Gold Master Card? Or do you have a Bank of Purgatory plastic? Perhaps you carry the Hell card with high interest from the Fallen Angel Bank?
Well, chose to be a predator, if you wish. The world is full of such, that roam the world causing pain and mayhem. You will never be lonely when you check out and into your hot accommodations and don't expect air conditioning. Joining you is not my plains, but who knows. The only thing that I can say is that I try not to be part of the herd that is falling over the cliff. I hope everyone is making an effort to avoid being a predator of the human kind.
Most wars, personal conflicts and dedicated human sufferings are cause by predators that want what someone else has; land, minerals, food or a need to control or dominate. Think about it. Where are you eyes located?
Well...so it goes. END
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