The most common question I am asked or hear of is "what are you giving up for Lent?" No one says to me "what are you doing for Lent?"
While Lent is a time of penance and/or sacrifice for forty days we seem to miss the real meaning of Lent. We generally fail to try to walk in the shoes of our Lord, but see Lent as a time of obligatory self sacrifice and denial. While it is that, it is much more. It is a period of inner reflection and spiritual growth. It is a deeper communion with our Lord.
I to try to take on a deeper understanding and closeness with our Lord. I will not disclose what, where or why I make my inner pilmerage because that is between me and my Lord, not to be broadcast to anyone other than He and I.
It isn't too soon to think about Lent and give it some thoughtful consideration. "Actions speak louder than words" and there is no need to advertise. Think of Christ when He walked the face of this world. He was a walking billboard of all that was good and holy. What He said and did in His short time was a book that was not a book, but seen and heard around the world. He spoke volumes without lifting a "pen."
We should try to speak in such a manner: to quietly speak and live the Written Word in some manner that doesn't say "look at me" or see "what I am doing" for Lent. Hard to do?
Yes. We all have that thread of vanity coursing through our inner sanctums that seeks recognitions and a bit of self glory from our peers. A modicum of vanity is not bad in itself for we all should want to do better, be better and be good steward for all the graces and blessings that our Lord gives us. So get ready for it. Lent is coming your way.
Now on a personal note: This past week I have had a bad tooth infection with swelling, pain and a purple jaw. Today the dentist tried to resolve the problem and redo a root canal that was giving me fits. He couldn't find the root canal and now I have to go to a specialist in Evansville. will pray for me as I don't think it will a picnic. I know that today was not a fun day and my dentist never gave up before. Yes, I will offer it up...knowing that there others that are worse off and suffering more than me.
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