Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ode toPoor Me

Well, here we go again.  Mother Nature is like the unwelcome guest that came to stay a while.  In a sense she is welcome on the west coast because she brought much needed rain to the drought stricken areas out there.  She also brought some flooding and mudslides. I shouldn't complain. We just have cold and perhaps some snow dusting and maybe some freezing rain on the week-end  I guess most of us here in the Ohio Valley can deal with that.

Yesterday was a long day for me.  I had a root canal done in the morning, went to the eye Dr. in the afternoon and fell asleep about mid-way through the Rosary.  I did wake up to finish the Rosary.  It isn't the first time I have fell asleep during the Rosary. Well, I guess I just fall asleep and wake up with my fingers on the right beads.  I laugh when I do that, for I have prayed the Rosary of the Sleepy and continue where I left off.

Anyway, the root canal still hurts, my face is still a bit puffy, red, and I have to go back to the eye Dr. next week.  What else is new...very little.
Lent is our forty days in the desert.  Our forty days will be nothing like the forty days that Christ spent in the desert, fasting and praying with only the Devil to commune with.  We will have our own temptations and failures during Lent, but for most of us it should be like a walk in the park.  We are blessed that we will not be put to the real test as Christ was.  As I say that, I do not exclude those who are being truly being driven to their knees and losing their lives for Christ and in Christ.  Pray for them as I do.

As the days winds down I think that I am off to bed very soon.  My face is red and swollen and I just don't feel like writing much.  Oh, Poor me.  Sad, is it not?  Not like it is major suffering and pain.  "Get over," I tell myself.


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