Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Sleep. Don't you wish that there were days that you could just turn over and go back to sleep?  I think that most of us do.  I wish that I could just roll over, pull my comforter over my head and just snore away.  However, all of us in some manner or another have obligations to life.  I have to get up, take medications in a timely sequence, have that most important cup of coffee, go to appointments, be at certain places at given times, and just generally live life.  I would rather be sleeping....late.

I think that Jesus must have felt that way, too, and often.  He was awakened while He was sleeping in a boat during a tempest of a storm.  Crowds followed Him everywhere, people clamored for His time and attention.  Wherever He went He was often despised by the authorities, the rabble and sometimes His own disciples.  When Jesus bled sweat and blood in the garden He was about to be arrested, He was probably thinking, "O Father, let this just be a nightmare as I sleep." 

Remember this, Jesus was Divine as well as human and had the same need of rest as we all do. It wasn't just a bad dream and He wasn't sleeping.  These a but a few of the multiple times that Jesus may have wished that He could just roll over and go back to sleep.  And like the fox of the field He had nowhere "to lay His head."

I count my blessings as I have a place to lay my head and there are so many throughout the world who do not.  I complain too much because there are people that are truly sleep deprived.  I think of my Mother who was so often worn out at the end of the day and in need of sleep, and how much a little extra rest would have meant of her.  The list could go on and on.  I know that I am not sleep deprived, ( I do sleep with oxygen and a CPap machine), but just want to snuggle down in my bed and cheat the clock. Still, I want to snore away...just a few minutes more.  Lazy me.


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