I don't know why there is a conception that Survivalist is romantic or the way to live if the economy were to get worse. Most woman would not do well, with perhaps a few exceptions, in a national collapse. Survival is not adventuresome or romantic. There are some that advocate a gen. disruption or society breakdown. Think twice and be careful what you wish for.
Men think they will be the modern Danial Boon, traipsing off into the hinterlands to fish, hunt and live of the land. Well, ol' Dan left his wife and large family more than once to survive on their own. He was the Legend frontier and hero of the wilderness and Alamo. Well, he did return long enough to make a few babies and was off again open up satisfy his wanderlust.
Women know that beinging a survivalist is not a glamorous lifestyle. It was work..work..work. It was chopping wood,emptying foul, stinky commodes(pots)or making trips to the out house in bitter, inclement weather, having and raising children and than watching
them as they often succumbed to disease or injuries. It was cooking in an open fireplace. It was having little food or no food or foods that were wormy or meat that was rank. But, they eat it anyway in order to stave off starvation until the crops came in or ol' Dan should show at the cabin door with a deer or whatever.
A huge workload fell upon the wife, mother or woman of the house and would again if the nation were to go into a society spiral. And we know it. And it would again. Try cooking on an old iron wood stove in the summer time. Try heating the house with an old iron stove. You won't like it. It isn't like camping out for a few days.
A big depression/collapse would expose you, your family, friends or/and relatives to disease, pestilence, injury and danger from bipedal, feral preditors (men of no compunction) that would come from nowhere. Be afraid. Be careful. Be wary. Pray that a meltdown never occurs.
Do be prepared to the best of your ability. Do read, practice and encourage others to do the same. Remember, we women can not be forced to think in survival mode," but we can be coerced..gently, of course. You can not ram survivalsm down our throats as some are intent on doing. Nope, we know whats in it for us. A type of slavery that women have not seen for a long time. I am a survivalist to a degree, but I don't want to use catalog magazines for toilet paper.
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