Saturday, January 24, 2009

Working for Chicken Feed

Something is missing in my blogs, one whole blog I think. Oh Well.

True to form the chickens came home to roost. I had to go out when it was dark and let them in. They were happy to get home and in with the flock. This eve. there is only one out. When he gets in I think I will close the door so I can get in without fighting of the hungry horde in the morning. One neighbor said they crow and that will help keep them a little less stringent in the AM..dampen their singing cords so they will not be so loud. I may be able to clean the run and fill the water before they run amuck.

I went to the farm store and got a new bag of scratch and another bag of layer crumbles. The bags weigh about 40 lbs. apiece and are hard for me to handle with one bad arm. I went and got my garden cart and slid one bag at at time into the cart. Well, the big, red roaster decided to hitch a ride and climbed on to the rim of the cart and rode about half way through the yard before he fell off. He didn't try to hitchhike the second time around.

I went to the library and used their computer and printer to print off some articles from Urban and from City My printer isn't working so I used theirs.

I went into the garden and pulled a couple more radishes. One is probably about six inches long. I also planted those onions that are dividing into sets. I will wait to see how they grow. I got a few flower seeds from the farm store, too

I have been busy and that is why there are some dirty dishes in the sink, mostly plastic ware that I dug out to re-wash. I called the Salvation Army to see if they still picked up stuff, but now they only want furniture. I guess I will have to take it to them a small amt. at a time.

I have a lot of cloths to wash because running in and out of the chicken condo gets me dirty, sweaty and smelly. The chickens like me any way.

Have not heard anything on Big Brother today so he must be doing OK. I will call tomorrow.

Thus another day slips away and I yawn.


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