Remember the song by Elvis, "Kentucky Rain? Well Elvis must be singing up a storm 'cause we have it (rain) and lots of it. It's a good thing my little house sits up high because there is a lot of flash flooding going on and all around.
There were so many things going on during the past couple of months that I forgot to pay my house insurance and it was canceled. I called on Friday and they told me it could be reinstated. It didn't work out that way. I had to get a whole new policy. However, the new policy is better and cheaper, so I guess that is what was meant to be.
I thought I was finished with my eye surgeries, but it turns out that the right eye is "clouding" over and the vision is fuzzy. I will have laser surgery to correct this in Sept. Then I hope I will be done with this, and all the trips to the Dr. are over. It is also causing a deep hole in my pocketbook. Don't think for a minute that Obamacare is what we were lead to believe.
There really isn't much to mention and not a whole lot going on. That is the way I like it; my life quiet and peaceful and without major events.
Proverbs 17: 22
I believe I used this same quote/passage before, but that's OK as I have been told that there is nothing new under the sun. A little spiritual medicine is good for whatever ails us and I have observed that happy or merry people live longer and recover from the adversities of life faster. I try to stay positive and sing the song "A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR MAKES THE MEDICINE GO DOWN" and it does. A person's general outlook, esp. if it is positive, is a good remedy for just about anything...yes?...yes. Anyone have a cupful of sugar to lend? If not, I will be a good neighbor and lend you some of mine.