Friday, July 31, 2009

Rain fest

Last night there was a heavy downpour. Other places had it worse than here, but my roof started to leak. It should have five or six years left on the warranty, but I know if I call the original roofers they will charge for any work they do. So I might as well let Chuck get up there and patch it and give him the money. He is a general contractor and roofing is/was his main work. The economy is bad so he is mowing several yards including mine, to make ends meet. Today he has a couple more leaking roofs to mend so he says he will come over this eve. I hope he makes it because we have more rain on the way.

I went to the Goodwill store and it was wall to wall shoppers, looking for a bargain. I only bought a VCR tape and a small silver pin. I spent all of $2.12. I couldn't find what I wanted so I left.

I have been hauling in all the canned goods that were/are in the van. I have a small rolling cart that comes in handy as I can't lift those heavy bags of canned food and maintain my balance at the same time. I still have a couple loads to bring in. Seven months ago I didn't need a rolling cart to bring things in from the van. I don't know who invented that small wheeled cart, but I have put it to good use. I only paid $10.00 for it over two years ago. It was a good investment for the price.

Last night I cooked a small chicken in my digital pressure cooker. I tossed in a couple of potatoes and it was done in less than 20 minutes. It was so good..yum, and I have a few meals already for devouring per desire. Also, I have 1 qt. of broth to cook with. Instead of using water when I cook rice I use chicken broth. I do need to start eating more green vegetables. I know. And I will.

I put what canned stuff that I canned into the back room: out of site out of mined. The garden season is closing fast and 'though I would like a "summer garden' it is too wet to get into the garden and plant stuff. This has been the second coolest summer and the second wettest summer season on record here.

I read a few blog sites, but don't go through all of them, but sort of surf some of them occasionally. Most think as I do: prepare for harder, leaner times. I have been urging my youngest sister to save each and every nickle and dime she can, but as she is on disability(motorcycle accident years ago) I do realize she just doesn't have a lot that she can put back for a rainy day. Anyone on disability or S. S. should try to save or stock up even if it is just a few cans of food at a time Congress is talking about welfare cuts. They are discussing cuts in Medicare which is is for the older Americans that worked for 40 years or more, to insure the care of the elderly on S. S. What else can they do to line their pockets? No one in Congress is taking a pay cut or losing their health care. Government employees have the very best insurance which taxpayers pay for. They should clean their own houses before they forcefully sweep out mine.


Thursday, July 30, 2009


Here is the reason for gardens and self-sufficiency. Anytime I need to go to the store or shopping I need to drive past a huge granary storage silo. You know the kind. If you have never seen them up close I am sure you have seen them on TV or in movies at some time or another. They are the the big granaries where the farmers take their crops during and after the harvest. It is where the produce from the fields such as corn, soybeans and grain crops are weighed and stored before it is processed for consumption for man or beast.

The big granary I pass frequently has massive doors open so the big farm trucks can drive in and deposit their loads of hard labor from the fields. And it is hard labor, for no one works harder than a good farmer .

Here is what bugs me. The huge doors are left open day and night . It a haven for birds, bugs and vermin. I see large flocks of feathered aviators flying in and out all the time. Birds eat. Bugs eat. Rats eat. They all defecate. Hmm, do you think they leave the premises to use the facilities at the local gas station? No, the "go" where they are. On the corn, on the soybeans and on the grains that is used for your food.

To my wondering eyes, it seems that those big doors could be closed most of the time to help eliminate the visitors of wing, paw and crawly things. Don't you think? And that is a good reason to raise your food and be self-sufficient. You know what is in your own garden and how you have processed it. You know how your own livestock and poultry was raised and cared for. You know how to be human and not wasteful of growing, living plant and animals of the earth. AND I am sure you keep the fruits of your labor as CLEAN as possible.

On another matter, visit PRISON PLANET. com. There you will find some information about Swine Flu vaccination and the preparations for military intervention. I don't think we need the military directing Americans as to who, where or when Americans will get Swine Flu inoculations. I think most Americans would abide by "Women and children first." There may be a few exceptions to this general American virtue, but by and large we are a law abiding, God fearing nation. We are rapidly becoming a people under the hammer. Go there. Look. Read and decide. This is not off the wall information. It has already been alluded to on the news, but not in depth.

Today I cut back on my satellite programming. I went to the basic package. Why spend $70.00 a month for garbage TV? If I could I would put a lot of the programs offered out on the compost pile. I will also ditch People PC. It takes a good half hour to download anything and I don't need two servers. So, as you can surmise, I am trying to reduce the amt. of money I spend because I don't see a light at the end of Oboma's tunnel. Do you?


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Saving Seeds

I have a small start on saving seeds for next year. I have saved the seeds from a giant green pepper and waiting for some of the salad greens to go to seed. It won't be long before they go to seed, also. I save the envelopes that notices come in. I don't use them because I pay what few bills I have online. Those envelopes are my "seed vaults." I have two heirloom tomato plants that will have seeds for my paper safe, also. I never know what next year will bring or even the next day, but I will prepare for the future anyway. Perhaps I will sow the seeds of discontent, easy seeds to come by and easy to plant, difficult to harvest.

I didn't get much done today. All I did get done was to grate four cups of Zucchini for the freezer. There is more Zucchini on the vine. I can bake Zucchini Bread when the weather turns cold.

Speaking of cold, I think I will winterize early this year. I have fair windows and good storm windows, but I will perhaps tape plastic to the inside of all the windows and storm doors, too. That would provide three layers of draft resistance. I will also cover the A/C inside and out. Usually I just cover the inside, but because utilities are starting to increase drastically I want to contain as much heat as possible and keep out the cold air. Hmm, I have a couple rolls of heavy plastic, maybe I could just wrap the whole house? Yeah!!

Because I, like so many, live on S. S. and it has already been said that there would be no cost of living raises this year, I need to be as conservative as sanely possible. My one downfall when it comes to being frugal.. is I like to eat out often, esp. in hot weather.Now it is time to tighten the belt and lose some girth. I can be like a bulky horse,/pony and pull the cinch in a second time.

I had intended to do some more shopping for various meats today, but didn't. Maybe I can gear up for early tomorrow morning before people get their paychecks, S. S., disability checks and welfare checks. There will be a high time on this street this week-end. I guess I will triple lock the doors and keep the lights low and the little 32 popper handy.

This street is just around the corner from public housing. This used to be a very quiet street with mostly older people in one family homes. Things have changed. The poor need public housing, but I have no sympathy for the drugged and alcoholic pedestrians that roam up and down the street at all hours.

Last night when I went to bed I knew just what I was going to post...write about. This wasn't it, but it is what came out. So be it.........End here 'cause the end is near...sort of.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Rain fest and garlic blood

It has rained a good part of the day. The weather cast was for showers, but it was a good soft, steady soaking rain up until about 2:30 PM. We can always use some extra moisture.

I continue to stock up. I bought two more tins of ham, some bread and butter pickles and some sweet relish. Also found some olives. I bought sugar for $1.00, a four lb. bag. Everything for a buck. Now, to find a place to store my stash.

I will start looking for sales on meats and chicken to put in the freezer. That may be a challenge because meat is high/expensive here. I will watch for any good deals.

Every time I eat I get sleepy. I stopped at Captain D's for lunch and now I could go to bed. I keep yawning.

I really can't get into the garden because it is so wet. I want to freeze some Spinach and Swiss Chard. Need more green stuff when the white stuff comes floating down and I can't get out into the sun.

Because we have had such an early spring and cool summer I am expecting an early fall and cold winter. I want to be ready for it so I won't have to go out too often if things get frigid, icy and windy.

I got a new battery for my 1960 Rambler. I can't lift it so I will have to get someone to put it in for me. I did not want to spend the money on a new battery, but sometimes you have to do what needs to be done. Batteries are not cheap, esp for an old car that takes an odd sized battery.

I hate to see summer go. The tree frogs have been singing their songs at night for a while now and it sounds like the season is meandering away. At least the mosquitoes will be gone, too. Because the yards on both side of me have been let go the bugs and mosquitoes have thrived. Every time I go out the door I get drilled and itch for days afterwards. I hope I give the bugs some garlic delight to feast on. Yum, garlic blood; those humans sure know how to season themselves!!

Time to drink my green tea and try to wake up****END

Monday, July 27, 2009


This a little off beat, but I will relate it anyhow. I have always kept my bathroom commode clean, but lately it looks like it has been neglected. I can scrub it one day and the next day the porcelain bowl will be brown in color beneath the waterline. After frequent cleaning I decided to pull the top off the tank to see why the toilet was always "dirty." Well, it happens that the tank was full of mud/sediment and some grit. I cleaned out the tank and flushed it several times to get the crud out. There is still a little grit left in the bottom of the tank, but it is much better/cleaner looking.

Where I am located the water is pumped up from the Ohio and into tall storage tanks. I guess that with all the heavy rain we have had the huge water towers are probably full of mud and sediment. This is also where our drinking water comes from, so I guess we have all been drinking mud...yum, scum.

Yesterday I made a stew that turned out pretty good. I put a couple qts. in the freeze for when the wolves may be at the door and a cold wind come barreling down from the northern frontiers. I used a large can of spaghetti sauce in the stew which makes it even better. I cooked some corn to put into the freezer, too. It is not a lot of corn, but every little bit is better than no corn at all.

Late Sunday eve. I got a call from my friend that I had worked with for many years. She is the one that got me to the hospital and stayed with me when I fractured my elbow in strange places. Anyway, she had just come out of emergency surgery and was wide awake as they had used an epidural anesthesia on her. She went to work on Sunday and started passing blood and had a lot of back pain. An MRI showed that she had a mass on her kidney, so out it came. PDQ. She was in good spirits and was on a morphine pump for pain. I'll bet she hurts a more than a little bit now.

Debbie lost her sister this past year to cancer and her mother to cancer around 1986, so it runs in her family. Because she is a nurse she knew to get to the Dr. PDQ when she saw that her plumbing was going haywire. My cousin did not know the symptoms and kept plugging along. and working. Two weeks after she was diagnosed she died at 54. Pain and discomfort is the body's signal that something is wrong, so never ignore what your body is trying to tell you. It is your 911 call to yourself.

Tomorrow I will go shopping for more canned goods to add to the larder and freezer. Since I no longer have have chickens I guess I will buy some chicken and maybe some more canned ham. I am not sure yet until I look at what is available.

I will have to mind my budget even closer now. I got my utility bill and the electric went up about $30 dollars. I have not used more power and have all florescent lighting, so I don't know why the big jump. All I do know is the there will be no cost of living raises for anyone on S. S. The gov. wants to cut your benefits, too. Watch out, seniors, Soilent Green is gonna feed the masses. I hope I spelled that right. Soilent Green is an old movie about making food out of people and feeding it to...the people. Yum. Fe, Fy. Fo, Fum, I smell the bones of an Americum


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Famers Market

I went to the farmer's market looking for tomatoes. They wanted $2.00 a pound. Well, one decent tomato can make a lb. so I walked away from the tomatoes. I did buy some corn; six for $2.00., and two green peppers. Even that wasn't a real bargain. I was disappointed.

I went to the Family Dollar Store to see what I could get in the way of stocking up. There I bought four 1 lb. cans of ham. That gives me five cans altogether. I got some spices; two for $1.00 and some grated cheese in shakers. I also bought cans of Tuna and Vienna Sausages to have on hand. That was the extent of my urban foraging for the day.

It rained during the night and part of the day. It will be good for the garden. I hope to get in a summer garden of some sort; maybe a few beets or some beans.

I am getting new neighbors next door. I caught the other owners that have the house next door on the other side. It is vacant and unattended. He mows the small patch of lawn in the front every couple of months, just enough to keep the city from knowing how bad the backyard is. I told him I wanted his trash heap removed from my fence and he said he would attend to it next week. This is the second time I have asked them to get rid of all that trash. We will see.

I don't know of anything new or exciting. END

Friday, July 24, 2009


Well, I have redone the Peach Preserve jars that didn't seal. One jar took 3 tries before it finally sealed. Then I got to lick out the kettle..yum. When I was little my sister and I used to fight over who got to lick out the bowl when my mother made a cake. She usually won because she was bigger and a bit older by about two years. Simple things can bring back old memories.

Looks like the possum got another melon. The shell is empty and the seeds are all over the ground. I think there are only two small melons left and the possum will probably get those, too. How do you keep them out?

The house next door is empty, but they have a pile of trash up against my fence. That is where the rabbits and the possum live. Both would be good to eat, but you can't fire a gun in town and I don't have a trap.

You can plant a summer garden now. You can plant cabbage, carrots, beets, late potatoes and more beans as the summer cools down. Mother Earth has an article and list of what you can plant.

I don't feel like cooking or running out for fast food so I put some eggs in the Egg Geni and will make an egg salad sandwich. I spent enough time over that hot stove. I have everything cleaned up and made an effort on the stove. Still needs a little more elbow grease. When I cook, I cook all over. I am a tad sloppy due to a goofy arm/elbow, but I get the job done.

Time to fix my egg salad and eat.........END

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Nothing new

That's right. Nothing new under the sun. Even the sun is lazy. Perhaps the sun has been reading Al Gore's book about global warming and wants to prove otherwise.

I canned the peach preserves. Two jars didn't seal so I will have to do them over. I used lids left over from last year and maybe they have been the culprit. The preserves taste good 'though.

I finally got to the library and got a couple new books and a book on CD. I can listen to it as I't that a four letter word? !!

I notice that some bloggers do not mince words and use some vocabulary that would make a sailor blush. Mayberry makes me wonder about what he is like like in REAL life. Good thing there is such a thing as free speech.

This morning a friend called and told me she was having dizzy spells, feeling weak and tired, along with seeing lights and stars. I drove out to where she works and took her B/P and found it to be slightly high, but not drastically so. I asked her what she had for breakfast and she said she had stopped at the store and got a candy bar and started eating it in the store. When she got to work she drank cokes. SUGAR, SUGAR, SUGAR. Eating and drinking sweets made her feel better for the short duration and then her BS dropped out. That is what kids do, eat a lot of junk. Apparently some adults do, too.

I did tell her she had to eat a substantial breakfast and she said she didn't have time. She doesn't have to be at work until 9 AM, so I think she could make time. Duh. As she has had low BS and high B/P in the past you would think she would know the symptoms, yes?

By the way, she sells grave stones and monuments. I guess she should set one aside for whomever...duh.

Anyway, I forgot my B/P cuff and she took it home with her. I hope I get it back and it still functions!! I can see her grand kids with it; they are not cheap.

My sister calls me several times a day sometimes and today was one of those days. She tells me how bad she feels and I don't doubt her, but she never asks me how I feel, not that that I would complain to her anyway. Life is to short to worry about minute infractions to the id.

I started to go shopping, but as soon as I got my fresh books from the library I made a beeline for home. I will finish the little book I started about the history of Kentucky and then dive into the new books. In reading about the settlements of Ky. IN. and TN. I note how those times were filled with thieves, profiteers and scoundrels, bigots and bums...just like the modern times you read about in the papers and hear about on the news. Things stay the same.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009


All right. We have 5 1/2 pints of Peach preserves. I hope it jells. I have enough for a couple more pints, but my pot runneth over. This year I have been using smaller pots and pans because I can't handle the big stuff anymore. I still get the job done.

I sweat bullets and my hair looks like I have been out standing in the rain. The kitchen was hot with 3 burners going. It is cool outside, but the humidity is high. The weather man says this may be the coolest summer on record for KY. I know it has slowed down the development of tomatoes.

Something got into the melons and hollowed the shell completely out. I think it was that possum tha Chuck kept catching and letting go. Big mistake. The possum will probably get the rest just as they ripen.

I have a container of HOT peppers to string and dry. When they are dry I will grind them up into hot pepper flakes. A little goes a long way.

I have zucchini that I will run through the food processor and bag 2 cups per bag and to put into the freezer. I guess I will start looking for tomatoes to buy. The price? $15.00 per half bushel. Who said the cost of food was going down. Some idiot in Washington, maybe?

I am trying to cool down from my peach project and thinking about the pears. The Pear tree is just overloaded. The pears are not very big, but they are really good when they are ripe. I guess I will make pear jam or jelly when they are ready. For myself, I don't need a lot. I hope to take some over to the home for the residents...that is, if Chuck and Judy don't want a lot. Last eve. they froze 10 heads of cabbage and there are about 20 left with small ones forming on the stalk. They tell me they love cabbage. I am thinking about making some cabbage soup.

I truly wish I could handle my big pressure cooker. I call it "my," but it was my mother's. No one wanted it after she passed away because it needed some minor repairs. I brought it back to Ky. and sent to to Chicago for the parts and repaired it. Now it is "where is Mom's old pressure cooker?" HeeHee, I got it. I fixed it, I think I will keep it. HeeHee.

There were a couple in the family that just grabbed whatever they could. I think every family has at least one family member like that. I used to see it a lot when I was working. Some family members would clean out the parent's room before they were even transported to the funeral homes. Their souls were probably still hanging around watching and saying, "I knew they would do that." That being said, some families are absolute saints, good and kind to their parents in life as well as in death. Hmm, wonder what got me off on that ...maybe because my Mother's birthday is coming up in Aug.

Well anyway, I am off to see if the peach jars are sealing; I heard at least one go "ping." END

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I put away my soap box and put my history books back on the shelf. The chickens are gone and I have little to write about.

I have some cabbage from the garden to put up and some peaches from the store that is closing. The manager was sorting through the peaches and was about to toss a lot out a lot as they were not perfect. They were good enough for me and I got 2 bags for 2 dollars. I have been digging out and washing jars to use for making jam. So, now I have a few beans to eat and a couple of carrots for salad. I mopped the kitchen floor and ran out of ambition. In truth, by that time my arm was hurting so I stopped. Then I went to watch Glenn Beck and promptly fell asleep. That was the extent of my day so far. I will try to do better later, but may not get the peaches done. I will do part of them this eve; blanching, skinning and pitting them and then putting them in the refrigerator until tomorrow. I am not sure how to do the cabbage.

I have sugar, but could use some more. I also need some raisins. So, off to the store tomorrow and then to the library. I need some books to read other than history books

I keep yawning so this is the End. Aren't you glad?

Monday, July 20, 2009


On Sunday morning of December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was treated to a surprise wake up call of a Japanese attack that pushed, pulled , catapulted America into World War 11. It wasn't the bugle sounding reveille that woke America from her slumber, but enemy bombers and fighters making an early morning visitation upon unsuspecting sleepers in the Philippines.

American military knew or strongly anticipated the coming involvement in a conflict like no other. The fleet was in the harbor and all the ships were lined up like little ducks in a row, a virtual shooting gallery. They were ready. They were prepared. They were strong and mighty. They were decimated. They were not DILIGENT. Jump-journey into the 21 century and ask, are we ready and prepared? Are we DILIGENT? No, no and no.

We face hostilities and aggression on many fronts and are well hated in several parts of the world. Our troops are stationed in various parts of the world except our own boarders. America is subject to severe weather and earth calamities from time to time. We are wide open to an EMP catastrophe that could happen any time, anywhere, without warning. The government may survive, but would the nation? The government is prepared to go underground and weather the coming storm. The politicians will have food, water, shelter and medical care. They have provided for themselves and their families and maybe the government will perpetuate... if they make it to their designated shelters durning tumultuous times. All well and good for the rich, the elite and the government wheel.

Now, the question; Will we, the unwashed masses endure the calamities that are forming on the the horizon? We know its coming. You can taste it. You can smell it. You can feel it in your bones. Are you prepared? Got food? Got water? Got medical supplies or access? Got milk? You think you do, don't you, but just how prepared are you and how long can you last in a financial or society emergency/collapse.? Think Katrina...Think Martial Law...Think Starvation...Think Famine...Think National Inaction...JUST THINK!!

As history has a nasty habit of repeating the tribulations of the past, the pendulum swings both ways. The pendulum seems to have reached its upward swing of progress and it appears to be slowly on its downward arch. The pendulum doesn't stop in the middle; it will travel one way or another until it finally loses its momentum.

As we know our history we know what to expect. We know we must be prepared for any contingent, natural or otherwise. If you haven't started your stocking up or preparations for a hard, new world, it is half past midnight on a stormy night. Wind your clock and set your alarm. Get your hour hands moving and your clockworks ticking. Visit all the web sites you can and learn everything your snake brain can absorb. A snake has a very small brain, but a will to survive and the lest aggressive snake will and can bite

I can only urge us little peons to stock up and be ready. Other blogs have done the lists and info for you. No one will take care of you when your down and out. We see that in everyday life with some exceptions. Don't be ready face the enemy blindly without forethought or planing. Know your enemy; it is sloth.


Saturday, July 18, 2009


I pulled out an old history book from when I was a college student. You can tell that from what I have been posting these past few days. History really does repeat itself and we really don't learn much as a society as we travel the same path our pioneers did. In particular I refer to The Donner Party.

The Donner Party started westward from Independence, Mo. They joined a wagon train bound for California. The main wagon train made it to California; The Donner Party did not.

The Donners had everything they needed and spares teams of oxen ,wagons, food, supplies and a good herd of cattle. What they didn't have was good sense and good leadership. They didn't have the needed skills an experience to be real pioneers.

The Donners were led by two older men in their sixties. They began the trek to the golden land in good health, but did not finish the long, arduous journey.

When they joined the wagon train in Independence no one expected the horrors that would overtake them. They dallied along the trail and lost precious time with breakdowns, wandering cattle and oxen. They squandered their days fishing and hunting along the way or having to repair poorly maintained wagons and and chase their wandering herds.

In late June they finally made it to Fort Laramie where they finally realized that time was short and they were way behind schedule. On bad advice they split away from the main train that was ahead of them. They were the tail end of the dog. They were told that there was a shortcut through the mountains and they could make up for lost time. They were also informed by wiser mountain men...that was not the trail to follow as it had never been tried by wagon train and was a difficult trail for even a man on horseback. The main train made it to California as they kept to the proven trail west.

Adverse conditions were abound. They had to hack through forest and literally carve out a road for passage. Wagons broke down, cattle and oxen died or wandered off and food became scarce. They ate the oxen and cattle that were left. They might have made it if it had not been a blizzard that stalled them in the mountains. It was an epic horror situation that we now know as THE DONNER PARTY of the history books. Starvation, cannibalism, and death were the legacy and shadow of the Donner Party.

Now, jump-journey into the 21 first century. Do you now see the need to hone your skills and be prepared? We, as a nation are not ready for adverse conditions such as food scarcity, homelessness, job loss, money crunches and a government that has caused more damage in the past six months than any other governing body in our short American history.

Will you survive? Will I? I insist that we are in a depression; call it a recession, if you will, but I won't. Do you have the skills and knowledge necessary to make through to the next Presidential election when we can hopefully rectify some of this mess? Will there be anything left of Americana to salvage? Will you and /or your family face famine and starvation? Think hard...think very hard.

I hope to expand on how history is repeating itself, only in a far worse scenario. As I exhort all to steal themselves for hard times, I too, am stocking up. I urge desecration about your location(s) and what you may have in your pantry/larder. Yesterday and today I did add some to my little "supply station." I, like many, am limited by finances, but I can find and "hoard" a little each month. Prepare and survive any adverse conditions that may come upon you.

Read about the Donner Party.

To be continued...I hope.

Friday, July 17, 2009


  1. Freedom of religion; of speech; to assemble; of the press and to petition
  2. The right to bear arms
  3. No quartering of soldiers in private houses in times of peace
  4. Interdiction; of unreasonable Searches and Seizures, warrants
  5. Interdiction; Due process; Self incrimination;Double jeopardy, and rules for Eminent Domain
  6. Right to a fair and public trial; Notice of accusation; Confronting ; one's accuser;Subpoenas, Right to counsel
  7. Right to trial by jury in Civil cases
  8. No excessive bail and fines or cruel and unusual punishment
  9. Unenumerated rights
  10. Limits to the power of Federal government

These are the first ten of the amendments. They are found online and in civic or history books.

You can do "your homework" and read the text yourselves and you should so that you have a better understanding of your rights.


I got a refund on a bill that I overpaid. I do most of my bills on line and sometimes I don't pay attention to the stop date and keep right on paying. I received $69.00 dollars back and decided to put it into my stocking up budget. So, I have been buying some canned good and extra bathroom tissue to have available when the winter wind howls at my doorstep and the ice man that may cometh ...sliding in on Mother Nature's long frock. Mother Nature usually dresses well, but sometimes she tosses off her glad rags and we see her at her worst. Mother Nature can be really nasty looking at times and behave rather badly.

I continue to urge anyone that may read this post to stock up and be ready for the coming seasonal changes. Not only will you be in a better position in the bad weather, you will endure a bad economy with less stress and worry.

I will also get kerosene for my kerosene heater and lamps.Last year during the ice storm that hit Kentucky had lights and heat. I was lucky, whereas many Kentuckians did not have heat, power, or water. So be prepared.

I am getting my old Rambler in shape. It is an old 6 cylinder flat head, stick shift. If for some reason it won't start I can roll it down a grade, clutch it into first gear and pop the clutch to get it started. You can run an inverter from a car and have some minor power for short durations. Yes, I know, I have mentioned it before. Now, I will go eat my late radishes from the garden.


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Lest we forget

On Friday I will post the first 10 amendments to the Constitution. The American Constituion is a sacred document, ranking only second to the Bible. It is not taught in the schools as it should be, and generly just glossed over in passing in general college academics. Most people can only name the first three amendments, if at all. Every school and college should DEMAND that all students be able to recite the the main parts of the amendments.
I have started stocking up early this year. Usually I wait untill August and September. This year I find that each and every time I go to the store the prices are higher and the section is less than what I want to "put back." My favorite grocery store is about to close and my favorite clothing store shut its doors a few months ago. Soon the mini-mall I frequent will look like a ghost-mall. Who would have imagined just a few years ago that America's business's and malls would become the essence of ghost towns of another era? There are a lot of empty stores and houses in down town Kentucky.
Here is an item I would love to acquire at a reasonable price: An old fashioned Singer treadle sewing machine. They are nearly indestructible. My Mother made a lot of cloths on an old Singer. Now, antique dealers are busy snatching them up and reselling them at outrageous prices. They are not rare, but hard to find at a decent price. One of these days I will luck out.
Usually the spell checker will find my spelling errors. Occasionally it misses, as in fife and fief.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Kingdoms and Fifes

I have been reading Staying Alive's blog where he advocates little kingdoms led by "kings." Thus , little vassals and fifes would spring up across the land. I can just see fortified walls and hot oil being poured over the the stockades or stone fortifications. One little kingdom wanting what the other little kingdom has in its larders, granaries and treasuries. A page out of novel about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Only theses little kingly warlords will be armed with more powerful weapons other than spears, arrows and hot oil. and then there would be little kingly bloodbaths. Sound a little medieval, doesn't it...yup.

Didn't we do that already? Wasn't this nation founded on the principals of liberty and freedom and King George take a hike? Take a hike little kings and feudal systems. It isn't the way to go. Vote all the rascals that inhabit the White House, the Senate, and the Congress out into the street and elect some hard working, straight thinking, red blooded Americans into their empty seats. There are rats in the walls, attic and down in the basement of Halls of Congress. Set some vote traps and send the vermin scurrying. Lets see how they might like foreclosures, empty refrigerators, nothing on the table or in the pantry. But, rats will leave a sinking ship on their own, or so they say.

Eradicate the vermin and sweep out the droppings. The rats and mice and other pestilences have been feeding on the Constitution and nibbling away at the precepts that good men and woman have fought and bled for....for too long.

Vote. If that doesn't to get the trash out...IMPEACH! There are a few good politicians, but you can count them on your toes.

Here is a test; ask anyone if they know or can recite THE PREAMBLE OF THE CONSTITUTION.
Here is a hint....WE THE PEOPLE...

A side note, I am not the sharpest tool in the rack, but even I know something is badly wrong in America.


Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Be afraid America for you are loosing your rights and liberty. It was bound to happen, sooner or later. America freely elected a socialist president. Your going to "Share the wealth." Your guns will be liberated, but you will lose the 2nd Amendment...The Right to Bear Arms. Already Freedom of Speech is being impinged upon.

You thought Nixon was a bad Boy? You knew Bush was a dumb boy? Well, our present President is a socialist boy.

What kind of free world leader would toady up to dictators and countries that suppress their people? So, what is next, Martial Law? Maybe.. after this "New Economy" sinks like a lead balloon.

You are now watching reverse slavery being put in place. Slavery and racism are not acceptable in this nation. However, white Americans are now the minority. The economic weight of taxation is now on the shoulders of working white Americans and will increase in the next 3 1/2 years. We can blame ourselves for that as our Congress and Senate have turned us into a welfare nation.

Take away welfare, disability and pensions and watch crime increase beyond belief, with hunger and rioting in the streets. Take or deflate social security benefits for the elderly and disabled and visualize famine and the elderly living in the streets. In Russia old women have to sweep the streets to exist. 2nd WW heroes have very little in the way of pensions and go unsung for their sacrifices. Will we be the mirror of socialism?

I don't know why someone in the government has not started talking about Impeachment. The Constitution has certainly been compromised. Oh, I know, lets wait and let someone else pick up the ball and run with it. By then it will be too late and the Constitution will be used to lite fires. The wrong kind of fires.

If your in disagreement or vacantly staring off into a socialist void, say so. Say something.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Failed Nations

Read the History of Western Civilization and you will see history repeating it self, just running down a faster track and blowing through all the signals without the switch man waving the trains through with his trusty signal light. There is bound to be a heck of a wreck somewhere along the line and it isn't "Choo Choo Charley" driving the the engine.

Nations fail from within. There is greed, corruption, self interests, and imperialism fueling the grinding erosion of the wheels that speed the train onto the rickety bridge that eventually falls into the abyss.

Greedy governmental officials from the local level of elected "Servants" to the the Congress, the Senate and even to the highest office of the land, THE PRESIDENCY.

We are not longer electing our leaders. They are now being appointed by the Powers That Be and do not answer the "WE PEOPLE"..the majority.

Corruption from small towns and big cities to the revered dome of Washington DC are sucking the life and breath from the this country by way of Taxes There are Federal taxes, State taxes, county taxes, city taxes, and a multitude for hidden taxes. You pay sales tax, gas tax, phone tax, cigarette tax, alcohol tax, library tax, utility taxes, school tax, auto tire tax, and if you have any investments you pay taxes on them, too. Don't forget S.S. taxes luxury taxes, and Medicare taxes. Did I miss a few? I'm sure I did. Probably 60 to 75 % of your income goes for taxes. What ever happened to "No taxation without representation?"

Sooner or later The train will come off the rails or miss a switch and we will be sing that old song about "Casey Jones", the engineer who was going a little bit too fast and didn't make it around the bend.

When I speak of imperialism be aware that America has troops in over 128 countries. Why do we still have troops in Germany, England, Japan and other countries that were "liberated" 50 an 60 years ago? In some countries we do need to have a presence, but can't some of the aforementioned nations provide their own armies and security? Why can't we put some of these troops on our own boarder? Hmmm?

There are those that benefit richly from their attained offices, even here ins this small city. The mayor was selling alcohol without a licence and serving underage drinkers. His reasoning; "Everyone else is doing it." The judge was cited for open burning of hazardous material and his excuse was that it had "been there for more than 30 years. Neither one had to pay the fiddler as you or I would

Keep chipping away at our very foundation and sooner or later or later the base will crumble, crack and the structure above will tilt and fall. When the ties under the railroad tracks rot out and the spikes come loose the train will will eventually clickity clack off the railroad tracks.

I do not advocate violence, civil unrest or insurrection, but I see it coming and so does our government. They are prepared to quell any such actions on the part of disenfranchised people. Would American troops fire on American people? They have before; it is part of our history.


Saturday, July 11, 2009


This is the last part of my home MEDICINE CHEST contents.

  1. Blood pressure cuff or new digital type that you don't need a stethoscope for, but itwould be good to have one on hand
  2. Stethoscope for use with older B/P cuffs and for listening to heart sounds and beats
  3. Thermometer or temperature strips or even older glass mercury type. Glass not recommend for infants or children
  4. Cool Mister or vapor steamer
  5. Alcohol wipes and gloves. Sterile gloves recommended, but even disposable kitchen gloves will be helpful
  6. Masks
  7. Slings or material to make or use for one one
  8. Splints or material to make or use for one
  9. Plastic bags to bag contaminated items
  10. Adult diapers and sanitary pads
  11. Silver plumbing tape
  12. Wide freezer tape

Yes, I do have all these items. Duct tape and freezer tape can be utilized for applying splints and where you may need copious amounts for binding and other uses.

The following I DO NOT have, but will try to add to my MEDICINE CHEST.

  1. Clear Pediolite for rehydration for infants and children

2. Apple Juice to "make the medicine go down" and to warm for sore throat

To make an improvised cold pack...

1 cup regular rubbing alcohol

3 cups plain water

mix and pour into large freezer bag and seal well

use freezer tape to double seal

place in larger freezer bag and seal and re-seal with freezer tape

Put in freezer. . Contents will not freeze, but will become like slush

"Slush Bag" can be molded to any area that needs a cold pack Make two

If you are using digital items be sure you have extra batteries for each instrument.

Thus, you should have a very good MEDICINE CHEST. You may need a larger storage container, but if you do, get one with handles. STOCK UP AND BE READY!!!

I may add to this list in the future, but for now...THE END

Friday, July 10, 2009


This is a continuation of the first part of MEDICINE CHEST.

  1. Vitamin A
  2. Vitamin B Complex
  3. Vitamin C
  4. Vitamin E
  5. Calcium With Vitamin D

These are the essential vitamins for good health and body maintenance and cell repair.


  1. Echinacea for the tx. of cold and flu symptoms
  2. Valerian to induce sleep
  3. Melatonin to aid in restoring the body clock
  4. Licorice root to sooth cough or sore throat
  5. Chamomile to aid digestion
  6. Feverfew to ease migraine headaches, nausea and vomiting


  1. Ace bandages of various widths
  2. Ice packs
  3. Witch Hazel
  4. Cotton balls
  5. Hot water bottle
  6. Sun block
  7. Baking soda for bee stings, itching, athlete's foot fungus and sunburn
  8. Tea with honey for laryngitis and sore throat
  9. Aloe plant or cream for sunburn and burns
  10. A&D ointment for minor burns
  11. Vaseline
  12. Oil of cloves for toothaches
  13. Oil from Vitamin E capsules to reduce/minimize scarring
  14. Flashlight

This is the second part of items, medications, ointments and vitamins for your MEDICINE CHEST. You probably have many of the home MEDICINE CHEST on hand and may only need to add or rotate. some of the contents. Part three will appear tomorrow. these will be things that many people may not have, but would be advantageous to add.


Thursday, July 9, 2009


The following is a list of common OTC medicines to have in your medicine chest. Should there be bad weather, a collapse of the economy, a natural or unnatural catastrophe or even governmental intervention of what you can buy or not buy, it would be a wise steward who has these available.

1. Three kinds of pain/discomfort relievers

2. Antihistamines for allergies and allergic reactions

3. Antacid to treat nausea or heartburn

4. Syrup of Ipecac to induce vomiting

5. Saline Solution and OTC eye drops for eye rinses or irritations

6. Hydrogen Peroxide to clean cuts and scrapes.

7. Triple Antibiotic Ointment

8. Hydrocortisone Cream for itching

9. Aspremrcreme for moderate aches of muscles and joints.

10. Gauze's and adhesive bandages to clean and dress wounds, cuts or scrapes.

11. Butterfly bandages to close minor cuts or wounds.

12. First Aid Book

These, for the most part, can be found in The Dollar Tree Store and in any Drug Store, as well as most Supermarkets. Buy what you can afford and add to your medicine chest as much as you can.

Tomorrow I will add to this list. Yes, I have all of these items and will buy more.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Plums Anyone?

I have a sink full of plums to process. I am not sure if I want to make plum butter or plume wine. I will probably make both as the plum tree is still loaded with ripening plums. I have never made plum butter or jelly so it will be an experimental endeavor for me.

I also have a fresh cabbage on the table. I will probably make some Cole slaw out of it. I really like Cole Slaw. My mother used to make Cole Slaw out of red cabbage. I don't know if it tasted better or we just thought it did. I'm not picky; Just plain Cole Slaw is fine with me.

Even 'though the chickens are gone I am still waking up with the chickens. However, this morning I decided not to get up and just went back to sleep. I slept until 9 A.M. and it felt really luxurious.

I will wait a few days and then clean out the chicken condo and chicken run. The contents will be piled up on a compost heap under the Pear tree. Speaking of
Pears, that tree is also loaded with fruit. I better buy some more sugar and dig out my canning jars.

I have a comprehensive list of items and OTC medicines to have on hand for minor aches, pains and illnesses. I am thinking of posting the list here for anyone interested. I get most of my OTC meds. and supplies from the Dollar Tree. It may be a good idea to stock up on such items as the government is about to get into your medicine chest. Should they do so, meds. such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen and even Aspirin may be harder to come by. As you know, all things are taxable under the unfettered Obama search for revenue/income. Gotta have big government spending money, you know.

I had planned on getting out and about today, go to the bank and pick up the items that I forgot yesterday. I just never made it out due to odds 'n ends, phone calls and trivia. So, tomorrow I need to get out early to beat the heat and the shoppers that normally shop on a Thursday. Lots of people get paid on Thursdays here.

Now that I don't have my chickens to write about I am at a loss to think of anything. Any ideas anyone? Anyone out there? LOL in cyberspace.


Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Its all about the money

I went to our local planning commission board meeting tonight to educate myself. I heard several re-zoning request from various businesses and the big Coal Company. Most were passed through in spite of some protesting on the part of the people effected by the changes. Its all about the money and who has it and who doesn't. I noted that the elderly were "put down" in favor of the business people. People that have lived in the same area for their lifetimes are being told that the new apartment building will not affect them. Yet I read in the paper that we have an apartment glut or too many empty houses and apartments. Yes, it's all about the money.

The chickens are gone, every last one. Some went on Sunday and the rest left home today. Off to the country to a good life, I hope. What irks me is that the Humane Society of Evansville is giving away free chickens to anyone who wants them while Henderson, just minutes away from Evansville, gets hyper if someone in this jaded city should even look cross-eyed at a chicken. Nuts to the chickens police.

I was reading or heard this; Listerine is good as a deodorant. Bacteria causes odor and Listerine kills bacteria. Remembering this, I thought I would try it because in the high humidity I perspire heavily. Regular deodorant just will not hold up in this kind of heat. Anyway, it does work. Soak a cotton ball with some Listerine and apply under arms. Let it dry and then use deodorant. You do not detect the Listerine after a minute. Sounds odd, but it works.

I went to get get a few groceries this morning and forgot a few things. OMG! I forgot toilet paper! How can we live without toilet paper? Stock up on TP, America! We need it! So...back to the store tomorrow(actually I have some left)hehe.

It has been a full day and I am going to bed.


Monday, July 6, 2009

Cumputer Problems

For a year and one half -I have had e-mail problems. The att. tech. set up my fast dial up and e-mail. He left one character out of the address. I could receive mail, but could not send direct e-mail. I could foreword, but that isn't what I wanted or needed. I tried to resolve the problem myself and finally called the att. tech. service. I took some time, the tech. guy finally worked it out. However, I didn't post anything on Sat. I never post on Sun.

I sold nine chickens and gave away one rooster yesterday. I have more to find homes for. The boy who wanted the chickens even wanted the chicken roost, but I still need it. I did let him take one waterer.

We had 24 hrs of steady rain. We really needed the rain. It was a good rain, not a severe storm. The garden looks better for it.

I went to the eye Dr. this afternoon and then I stopped at the Golden Corral for supper. Now I am sleepy. Too much good food, I guess.

Not much going on in western KY.


Friday, July 3, 2009


I've been outside working hard. I pulled up all the pea plants. They are done for the season. I gave the vines to the chickens. They can probably find a few pea pods and have something to scratch through. I have a few of the better pods in my pocket.

This morning and this afternoon I have been trying to clean out the back store room. I had started it before and now I want to finish it so I can use it. It is the same store room that I raised the little chicks in. I had gotten the worse out a while back, but this time I wanted to mop it out and sanitize it. You wouldn't believe the spiders that had taken up residence within. Nasty, black spiders.

I mopped and mopped, but I couldn't get the stains out of the concrete. It is drying now. I will mop it again tomorrow and see if it looks any better. IF not, I have a few gallons of old porch paint that I can use up.

I am enjoying the refrigerator pickles. They are really good. I may try to make some relish and pickles, too. It is now hot and dry, but the cucumbers like this weather and are very prolific.
Also, I have more squash to put up and the tomatoes are coming on strong. I guess I am feeding little rabbits, too.

Yesterday while I was at the farm store I happened to see something zip across the ales at the speed of sound...not really, but fast. It was a mouse. I guess the farm store would be a good place to take up residence considering all that feed and seed. Yum, says Micky. I wonder what else may be lurking in dark shadows.....

It seems that home invasions are becoming commonplace. Well, one intruder here will intrude no more. He was met with force. Another one went out the same way a couple weeks ago in Evansville. The sad fact is that they were young and dumb. Things are bound to get more scary as the economy sinks. If you don't have a gun and/or don't want one, at lest buy a baseball bat.


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Just rambling along

I fried my tiny potatoes for breakfast! They were good, but small. I probably won't plant potatoes in a bucket in the future, but it was a fun experiment.

I went to the farm store and got another bag of scratch feed for the chickens. I probably won't have them much longer, but they need to be fed. The rooster are pigs with feathers!

The good weather is about to leave. We are to get some rain which we really need now.

I have been reading other blogs. I have determined that the only way to get anyone to become interested in a blog is to rave, rant, use vileness and talk of mutiny and insurrections. I guess that leaves me out. I guess it is of small matter anyway. At least I won't have the FBI, CIA, BCI or the POPE showing up at my door or monitoring my postings. LOL's! I can't even terrorize a chicken!

I have been watching the economic news, too. I don't see that the economy is moving on a fast track. I think we have picked up a little because things always pick up in the the spring and summer season. Thereafter, I expect the economy to go bust. I still advocate my family and friends to plan ahead for leaner times. Stock up if you can and have good, clean water available.
I won't go into details on the subject because other bloggers cover "prepping" 24/7.

I will soon have my floor repaired. The sills are bad and the floor has dropped. Not dangerous, but annoying.I would really like new floors, but will settle for repairs. I am tired of carpets and they are twenty years old. I would love wood laminate or nice tiles. They would be easier to keep clean. Oh well. My house is paid for so I can't complain. It isn't much, but I don't have to worry about foreclosure.

I have some refrigerator pickles that I am going to try. I didn't make them. A friend made them and gave me a gallon. She says she gives most of them away.

I need to go to the library and get some fresh books to read. TV is pitiful. Maybe tomorrow I can get to the library, but they are laying in a new water line and the construction makes getting to the library something of a maze of detours. BUT I NEED SOME BOOKS!!


Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I know my sister Beverly knows how to make Pumpkin Bread. She is a very good cook and a fine wine maker, but I thought I would post this recipe for anyone who may be interested.

Pumpkin Bread
2/3 cup shortening
2 2/3 cups sugar
4 eggs
1 can (1 lb.) pumpkin
2/3 cup water
3 1/2 cups all-purpose flour*
2 teaspoons soda
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
i/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon cloves
2/3 cup coarsely chopped nuts
2/3 cup raisins
Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease two 9x5x3 inch loaf pans or three 8 1/2 x4x2/1 loaf pans.
In large bowl, cream shortening and sugar until fluffy. Stir in eggs, pumpkin and water. Blend in flour, soda, salt, baking powder, cinnamon and cloves. Stir in nuts and raisins.
Pour into pans. Bake about 70 minutes or until wooden pic inserted in center comes out clean.
*If using self raising flour omit soda, salt and baking powder. If you don't have canned pumpkin use a a field grown pumpkin boiled down, scrap pulp from the skin and measure. Drain liquid from pulp. Be sure you have 1 lb. thick pulp.
Cloves can be omitted per desire.
I love Pumpkin Bread. IT is good spread with honey, jams , butter or cream cheese. I will eat it anyway I can.
One chicken got out and is roaming about in the yard. She will come home when it gets dark. She reminds me a lot of my one sister(deceased). She was ready to roam and fly the coop at every at every opportunity. She didn't necessarily come home when it got dark, 'though!!
The weather was much more agreeable today, in the 70's. It is supposed to drop down down into the low 60's tonight. I hope it stays nice like this for a few days.
It is time to start thinking about a summer garden. I would like to pull all the peas and plant some potatoes in their place. The Sweet Potato vines are really growing well. I emptied out one potato bucket. I have one potato about the size of a hen's egg and several small ones. I have another bucket, but don't expect much from that one either.