Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Plums Anyone?

I have a sink full of plums to process. I am not sure if I want to make plum butter or plume wine. I will probably make both as the plum tree is still loaded with ripening plums. I have never made plum butter or jelly so it will be an experimental endeavor for me.

I also have a fresh cabbage on the table. I will probably make some Cole slaw out of it. I really like Cole Slaw. My mother used to make Cole Slaw out of red cabbage. I don't know if it tasted better or we just thought it did. I'm not picky; Just plain Cole Slaw is fine with me.

Even 'though the chickens are gone I am still waking up with the chickens. However, this morning I decided not to get up and just went back to sleep. I slept until 9 A.M. and it felt really luxurious.

I will wait a few days and then clean out the chicken condo and chicken run. The contents will be piled up on a compost heap under the Pear tree. Speaking of
Pears, that tree is also loaded with fruit. I better buy some more sugar and dig out my canning jars.

I have a comprehensive list of items and OTC medicines to have on hand for minor aches, pains and illnesses. I am thinking of posting the list here for anyone interested. I get most of my OTC meds. and supplies from the Dollar Tree. It may be a good idea to stock up on such items as the government is about to get into your medicine chest. Should they do so, meds. such as Tylenol, Ibuprofen and even Aspirin may be harder to come by. As you know, all things are taxable under the unfettered Obama search for revenue/income. Gotta have big government spending money, you know.

I had planned on getting out and about today, go to the bank and pick up the items that I forgot yesterday. I just never made it out due to odds 'n ends, phone calls and trivia. So, tomorrow I need to get out early to beat the heat and the shoppers that normally shop on a Thursday. Lots of people get paid on Thursdays here.

Now that I don't have my chickens to write about I am at a loss to think of anything. Any ideas anyone? Anyone out there? LOL in cyberspace.


1 comment:

d.a. said...

I always love hearing about canning & preserving foods. If you make plum wine, I'd love to hear about that, too! :-D