Thursday, July 9, 2009


The following is a list of common OTC medicines to have in your medicine chest. Should there be bad weather, a collapse of the economy, a natural or unnatural catastrophe or even governmental intervention of what you can buy or not buy, it would be a wise steward who has these available.

1. Three kinds of pain/discomfort relievers

2. Antihistamines for allergies and allergic reactions

3. Antacid to treat nausea or heartburn

4. Syrup of Ipecac to induce vomiting

5. Saline Solution and OTC eye drops for eye rinses or irritations

6. Hydrogen Peroxide to clean cuts and scrapes.

7. Triple Antibiotic Ointment

8. Hydrocortisone Cream for itching

9. Aspremrcreme for moderate aches of muscles and joints.

10. Gauze's and adhesive bandages to clean and dress wounds, cuts or scrapes.

11. Butterfly bandages to close minor cuts or wounds.

12. First Aid Book

These, for the most part, can be found in The Dollar Tree Store and in any Drug Store, as well as most Supermarkets. Buy what you can afford and add to your medicine chest as much as you can.

Tomorrow I will add to this list. Yes, I have all of these items and will buy more.


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