I have been reading Staying Alive's blog where he advocates little kingdoms led by "kings." Thus , little vassals and fifes would spring up across the land. I can just see fortified walls and hot oil being poured over the the stockades or stone fortifications. One little kingdom wanting what the other little kingdom has in its larders, granaries and treasuries. A page out of novel about King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. Only theses little kingly warlords will be armed with more powerful weapons other than spears, arrows and hot oil. and then there would be little kingly bloodbaths. Sound a little medieval, doesn't it...yup.
Didn't we do that already? Wasn't this nation founded on the principals of liberty and freedom and King George take a hike? Take a hike little kings and feudal systems. It isn't the way to go. Vote all the rascals that inhabit the White House, the Senate, and the Congress out into the street and elect some hard working, straight thinking, red blooded Americans into their empty seats. There are rats in the walls, attic and down in the basement of Halls of Congress. Set some vote traps and send the vermin scurrying. Lets see how they might like foreclosures, empty refrigerators, nothing on the table or in the pantry. But, rats will leave a sinking ship on their own, or so they say.
Eradicate the vermin and sweep out the droppings. The rats and mice and other pestilences have been feeding on the Constitution and nibbling away at the precepts that good men and woman have fought and bled for....for too long.
Vote. If that doesn't to get the trash out...IMPEACH! There are a few good politicians, but you can count them on your toes.
Here is a test; ask anyone if they know or can recite THE PREAMBLE OF THE CONSTITUTION.
Here is a hint....WE THE PEOPLE...
A side note, I am not the sharpest tool in the rack, but even I know something is badly wrong in America.
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